More compressor choices?

  • I'm wondering if Kemper could include more options for compression pedals.

    There seems to be only one choice and it works O.K.

    I'd be happy to see some other options.

    This is the only thing I miss in the Kemper.

    Maybe a future update could include a few classics and some studio grade gear?

    Just thinking.

  • The compression control inside the Amp module provides an additional option for you.

    When I first got my KPA I tried and tried and tried to emulate what I get from a cheap little MXR Dynacomp running into my Fender '68 Custom Deluxe Reverb amp. I finally gave up and, because I also couldn't get quite the right sound from the included Wah pedals, ordered a little power supply so I could have those, and my old X2 Digital Wireless out on my pedalboard along with the Remote.

    While I was waiting on that PS to arrive someone suggested I try the compressor in the Amp block and, wouldn't you know it, I was able to get extremely close to the MXR using that.

    In the end though I still put the MXR on my board, I like having it there to throw in whenever I want it there with whatever sound without having to have it programmed in....

  • As I understand it the amp block compression parameter is designed to offset volume disparity across the range of your guitar’s volume knob. It’s novel and ingenious but it isn’t intended to imbue characteristics anything like what we associate with a pedal or studio compressor.

    I’ve always advocated (wished) for a deep-parameters compressor/drive/boost internal KPA stomp. From Dan Armstrong, Dyna, Ego, etc, to Sliderig, LA2A, and beyond, but including the other effects (drive and boost) that almost always share the signal path and that benefit from (require) sympathetic tweaking—all in one stomp slot.

    I’m not concerned with identical emulations, but with the potential to use compression and drive more creatively and efficiently (one slot), like on so many great records. The current stomp works very well, but it lacks the zing and personality we associate with the classics and the fine-tuning controls of their more recent descendants.

  • I do love the compressor inside the Kemper. I use external compressor pedal today because to use dirt pedals in front of the Kemper. If i use the Kemper compressor then i would drive this from the dirt pedals, i dont want this. In that way it is better with the compressor before the dirt pedals and then go into the Kemper. When the 8.0 release come out with the new stomp engine (we hope) then i sell the pedals and use the Kemper compressor.

  • I also love the KPA stomp compressor but I just can't get it to sound like some of my favourite compressors and thus I 've started to use external pedals again. When the the KPA can do the Keeley compressor, the Wampler Ego and the Origin Effects Cali 76 then I'll go back to using just the KPA again.


    Mats N

  • I also love the KPA stomp compressor but I just can't get it to sound like some of my favourite compressors and thus I 've started to use external pedals again. When the the KPA can do the Keeley compressor, the Wampler Ego and the Origin Effects Cali 76 then I'll go back to using just the KPA again.


    Mats N

    Yes we can hope for more compressor options when the release more stomp.

  • When the the KPA can do the Keeley compressor, the Wampler Ego and the Origin Effects Cali 76 ..

    All great ones, a couple of which I still own, but since each is a "new" take on the classics, my guess is Kemper could do the same, another great interpretation,that's all their own, sort of like what they accomplished with the delays and reverbs .. they satisfy my tastes and preconceptions about those tools but aren't exactly like what I used before .. blah blah you know what I mean ...

  • I do love the compressor inside the Kemper. I use external compressor pedal today because to use dirt pedals in front of the Kemper. If i use the Kemper compressor then i would drive this from the dirt pedals, i dont want this. In that way it is better with the compressor before the dirt pedals and then go into the Kemper. When the 8.0 release come out with the new stomp engine (we hope) then i sell the pedals and use the Kemper compressor.

    Have you tried putting the dirt pedals in the Kemper FX loop instead of in front of the KPA? That way you could place them after the KPA internal compressor.

  • you can only connect one "loop" but that loop can have multiple pedals in it.

    There is a standard mono loop as well as a specific Distortion Loop which drives the following stages wheres as the mono loop balances levels so doesn't always behave like having the pedals in front of the amp.

    KEMPER PROFILER Main Manual 5.5

    The Loop Distortion is made for connecting distortion pedals to the PROFILER and is only in mono. The feature unique to this loop, is that any volume boost of a preceding effect will be applied to the DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND jack, thus driving the external distortion pedal. This is what you would expect, anyway. The regular Loop Mono and Loop Stereo do this differently: here, the volume boost of a preceding effect will be applied after the return of the loop. The send level will be unaffected, so the connected effect will not be overdriven. The regular Loop Mono and Loop Stereo are suitable for all non-distorting effects.

    ✓If you want to keep your external effect inserted for all Rigs, just lock the effects loop by pressing LOCK.

  • All great ones, a couple of which I still own, but since each is a "new" take on the classics, my guess is Kemper could do the same, another great interpretation,that's all their own, sort of like what they accomplished with the delays and reverbs .. they satisfy my tastes and preconceptions about those tools but aren't exactly like what I used before .. blah blah you know what I mean ...

    This could potentially be even better....


    Mats N