More compressor choices?

  • Yes, i like the paramater with the Kemper compressor and this help to tweek. But the external pedal like the Ego, Keely, etc. have this vibe that i cannot reproduce with the Kemper compressor stomp or amp block.

    My best success so far has been a combination of a compressor in the A slot, a compressor in the X slot and some compression in the amp block.

    Having said that, I still haven't managed to get that little extra something I get when I use a good external analog compressor.

    Next, I'll probably get an Origin Effects Cali76


    Mats N

  • Next, I'll probably get an Origin Effects Cali76

    Good choice. I have one on my old board. I keep thinking I should bring it out of retirement and use it with the KPA but I just can’t be bothered with extra cables and power supplies. I would really love to see the Kemper compressor updated to provide more uniques character rathen than pure transparency.

  • Good choice. I have one on my old board. I keep thinking I should bring it out of retirement and use it with the KPA but I just can’t be bothered with extra cables and power supplies. I would really love to see the Kemper compressor updated to provide more uniques character rathen than pure transparency.

    What is the difference between KPA's compressor stomp and Cali76?

  • Is there a reason why the compressor stomp in slot A has different parameters than placing the compressor in slot B for instance?

    I have the same parameters if I place the compressor in slot A and slot B.

    What differs on your machine?


    Mats N

  • The Cali 76 is based on the 1176 studio compressor which has an incredibly fast attack and a bit of character in the preamp stage. You also have full control over release and compression ratio as well as a blend control (like Mix on the Kemper) so it just has a great sound that isn't nearly as much of an obvious "effect" as it is a tone ans sustain enhancer.

  • The Cali 76 is based on the 1176 studio compressor which has an incredibly fast attack and a bit of character in the preamp stage. You also have full control over release and compression ratio as well as a blend control (like Mix on the Kemper) so it just has a great sound that isn't nearly as much of an obvious "effect" as it is a tone ans sustain enhancer.

    Very well described!

  • The Cali 76 is based on the 1176 studio compressor which has an incredibly fast attack and a bit of character in the preamp stage. You also have full control over release and compression ratio as well as a blend control (like Mix on the Kemper) so it just has a great sound that isn't nearly as much of an obvious "effect" as it is a tone ans sustain enhancer.

    Nice description. I'll try one if I have a chance.

  • I use the Wampler Ego comp in front of the Kemper and it’s great for that dynacomp sound with more control. I actually prefer it over the Cali comps but mostly because I didn’t want to spend that much and I already owned the Ego.

    Try the Cali Compact bass version. With the high pass filter, you can really dial it in to leave a lot of the signal intact, especially on baritone or low tuned guitars.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • The Origin Effects pedals are great. I owned the first Cali 76 with the upgraded internals for about a year. It was just too big for the board and then I went no board. Great to see they combined it with the Sliderig in a small enclosure.

    But the truth is, there are several great compressors even some of the famous cheap guitar pedals that have major character, that aren’t transparent at all. All the old stuff like Dyna Comp and Dan Armstrong and Boss, up through all their descendants, all the boutique era stuff, Analogman etc. Even the $25 Joyo clone has an amazing, particular thing. It’s like a Dan Armstrong, but more hifi.

    The point is that pedal compressors can add so much musicality and zing and they’re not all the same. There must be parameters that could address these qualities. Kemper could easily (maybe not easily but confidently and successfully) design something that provides a way to get at inspiring compression applications, versus purely utilitarian.

  • Hi Mats

    Here are a few covers

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    I haven’t recorded anything new for a while though.
