Foh sound bad?

  • I guess this must have been discussed before,

    But can someone help me out here, im making my presets at home, on some Behringer Truth 82030A studiomonitors, and it sound awesome, in my headphones to, and even through my old Marshall cab, without switching the cab sim off, but when im hooking it up with out Foh, Yamaha P.A it sounds dark and digital, I've tried with both Xlr and Jack =O

    It really sounds bad, I've tried using the monitor eq, but I can't get it to sound 10% as good af the above mentioned.

    What am I doing wrong here?

  • In general the louder you're playing, the more you need to turn the bass and treble down (our old friend equal-loudness-contour or Fletcher-Munson). I'd also turn the gain down from where you have it at home vs. live use. Make sure the cab sim isn't turned off for the output you're using for the PA.

    That's about all I can say based on the information. Can you be more specific? "Dark and digital sounding" doesn't really mean anything. Or rather, different things depending on who you ask from.

  • Having same sort of problem, Kemper into Mackie PA with bass bin. The guitar has too much bass (coming out the bass bin) I could put a high pass filter 100khz on the mixer, but can it be done just using the global eq on the main outs? I have not been able to have a tech rehearsal with the PA so far.

    any help would be much appreciated
