Cleaning up the system

  • Hello, first post here so let it be a newbie question.

    My profiler is feeling a bit bloated and littered with unnecessary profiles/rigs and so on, i only use three performances in only one rig section, my needs are very basic.

    So my question is, how do i quickly erase everything else from the system, i have a backup on a stick and exported my rig to my computer, but i cannot for the life of me find a easy way to erase the system, is there?

    My ideal setup would be to only have my rig with the performances i have setup, so please help me :)

    ps. i've had the profiler for three months now, always been a tube amp user, tho there has been multiple triaxis set ups and all kinds of gear, my main setup for the last ten years has pretty much been just an old Laney supergroup stack with a pedalboard.

    The Kemper has been an interest for multiple years and now that i finally took the dive, i have NOT been dissapointed, it's an insane tool in the studio as well as live it just WORKS and does absolutely everything you would want to, let me repeat, AN INSANE STUDIO TOOL :)) Been really happy with it (i just hate scrolling the menus and all that but the new rig manager will hopefully remedy that).

    well that turned out a rant and a half, sorry :)


  • Welcome. I'm an old Triaxis user too. Still have it but rarely turn it on since getting the KPA.

    There are probably several ways to clean up your KPA but my preferred option is to use Rig Manager with the KPA connected. On the left hand side there is a folder called MyProfiler which includes all the rigs on your KPA. You can delete everything and simply copy over the ones you need again or delete everything EXCEPT the ones you want to keep. I would probably rename the keepers with something like the letter A at the start of the name then rank by name so they all show at the top of the list. The, multi select everything below that point and hit delete.

    That only deletes rigs in the browse pool though.

    If you want to delete unused performances just copy everything you might want to keep or reuse in future from the MyProfiler folder (at the very bottom in the Performances list) in to the local library (which is Rig Manager on your computer). Now delete the performances you don't want from the MyProfiler folder.