[LRS] Marshall 8100 - Let's Make a Tone Match Profile - Thrash Metal?

  • Hi All,

    Picked this amp up and am loving it actually.

    The amp has a single 12AX7 (which I meticulously rolled to find the perfect fit) in the preamp and a solid state power amp. I have an idea of eventually running this preamp into the power section of the Meshuggah amp...Hmmm. :)

    On to the point of this post. The amp has a filtered line out which I am thinking will be the perfect fit to apply some EQ matching to get some band specific tones.

    For those not familiar this amp was used by bands such as Static X, Prong, ZZ Top, Death and many others. Both live and in the studio.

    So, help me pick a guitar tone to match. I will need the isolated guitar track to match.

    Bring the suggestions!

    All the Best,


  • Hi deadpan - intro of Symbolic will do?

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