Volume balance across performances

  • I've no idea if this has been requested before.

    What about a volume balance feature that works across a performance?

    E.g. I use a performance with 5 profiles.

    1 is by Ola Englund (clean and processed)

    1 is by Tone Junkie (another clean but quite dry sounding)

    And the other 3 are by Michael Britt of varying gain stages

    Coming from different authors, by default they are all different volumes.

    So how about a performance parameter where you can set a tolerance for how many dB difference you want across the performance?

    Eg. You could set a tolerance of 0.5 dB so that the profiles are all nice and balanced as you switch between them, rather than having to go I to each one and balance them all up against each other?

    Anyone have any input into this?


  • An automatic leveling has been requested numerous times.

    The problem is that the perceived loudness is often completely different from an objective loudness parameter (like dB). Clean sounds with lots of transients and peaks can be very loud dB- wise but have much less perceived volume than a saturated sound with less transients.

    The recommendation therefore has been (and will be) to use your ears.

    On a side note: the Kemper stock content has been leveled by the mothership so this is always a good starting point when you want to level other profiles against the stock ones.

  • An automatic leveling has been requested numerous times.

    The problem is that the perceived loudness is often completely different from an objective loudness parameter (like dB). Clean sounds with lots of transients and peaks can be very loud dB- wise but have much less perceived volume than a saturated sound with less transients.

    The recommendation therefore has been (and will be) to use your ears.

    On a side note: the Kemper stock content has been leveled by the mothership so this is always a good starting point when you want to level other profiles against the stock ones.

    Ears are the best. No argument there!

    But if anyone could come up with a smart solution to this it’s definately the Kemper team!!