Copy & Paste performance at current setting

  • just love the new reverbs

    Is there a way to copy a performance to a new slot and maintain the current setting and not going back to the zero settings for stomps etc. What I am getting at is when you tweek the parameters of a performance like wah, gain, any settings within a stomp , volume etc and come to an amazing sound that you would like to keep as is , if you copy it and then paste it into a new slot , then the new slot when you click on it will revert back to the un tweeked original sound of the performance. So is there any way to take a snapshot that will take with it the exact parameters you have tweeked.

    regards Robbymust

  • just love the new reverbs

    Is there a way to copy a performance to a new slot and maintain the current setting and not going back to the zero settings for stomps etc. What I am getting at is when you tweek the parameters of a performance like wah, gain, any settings within a stomp , volume etc and come to an amazing sound that you would like to keep as is , if you copy it and then paste it into a new slot , then the new slot when you click on it will revert back to the un tweeked original sound of the performance. So is there any way to take a snapshot that will take with it the exact parameters you have tweeked.

    regards Robbymust

    I may be missing something here, Robby...but why wouldn't you hit "Store As", and give it either a completely new name, or simply add a letter or number after the original name. For example, if you have a preset that is named "Robbymust Lead", and you tweak some of the parameters (e.g. Stomp or FX), the simply hit "Store As" and

    name it "Robbymust Lead A", or some variation thereof.

  • just love the new reverbs

    Is there a way to copy a performance to a new slot and maintain the current setting and not going back to the zero settings for stomps etc. What I am getting at is when you tweek the parameters of a performance like wah, gain, any settings within a stomp , volume etc and come to an amazing sound that you would like to keep as is , if you copy it and then paste it into a new slot , then the new slot when you click on it will revert back to the un tweeked original sound of the performance. So is there any way to take a snapshot that will take with it the exact parameters you have tweeked.

    regards Robbymust

    You can copy the current edited Slot (COPY button), navigate to another Slot, and paste it there (PASTE button). However, if you hit the Rig Buttons of the Remote to load Slots, former edits to the Rigs will get withdrawn. So, either you store the Performance before you change Slots via Remote OR you stick to the RIG Navigation Cross on the front panel to navigate to other Slots.

  • Ok have been experimenting with this and trying out all the options and this is what I get

    copy and paste a current slot = takes a copy of the performance with modifications to some stomps - but not stomps that have a parameter controlled by a pedal, ie wah, pitch, etc - and not the current setting of the morph pedal

    copy & paste a current slot you want to modify ( leaving your existing performance in take ) - save new slot with new name - modify new slot - save as = saves all parameters - but not stomps that have a parameter controlled by a pedal, ie wah, pitch, etc - and not the current setting of the morph pedal

    now I except that wah , pitch, volume, morph are parameters that in some circumstances you don't want to copy but leave in their default zero position

    however sometimes it would be great to copy the sound you have achieved with all the pedal parameters as they are set at that time , ie a SNAPSHOT of the exact sound you are achieving at that setting of all the parameter settings, knob, button, pedal as if you want to save this as a new performance slot so when you click on it you go straight to that sound you had created and not then having to make 3 to 4 pedal adjustments to get back to the sound which is nearly impossible to recreate, one pedal slightly different will create a totally different sound.

    So I guess I am asking for a Performance Snapshot button - taking a snapshot of the exact sound coming out of a performance - freezing the pedal positions for all tweaked parameters including morph.

    regards Robbymust