Suggestions for Stage Cabinet w Kemper (drummer needs to hear me!)

  • Hi

    I play in a 4 piece band which is effectively a Trio + singer. Our drummer is real old school and wants/needs to hear/feel me and the bass player on stage. He is an amazing drummer and a lovely guy so I don't want to 'shock' him by going Kemper with something radical like IEM :)

    He feels he needs to feel the air moving from the players around him to keep everything locked in. I get it and feel much the same too.

    So, please can I have suggestions/ideas for stage rear speaker solutions, rather than front of stage wedge monitor style solutions. And definitely not IEM, that will never fly!

    I am sure this has been discussed many times but from what I can tell. more in the context of speaker quality, FRFR etc etc. This is a definite narrowed down requirement of a stage rear speaker that can move air like a traditional combo (like my current Fender Deluxe) but giving the flexibility I need with different tones for our Americana covers band.

    My current Kemper is a non-powered version. If going powered with a passive speaker is a better option I would be OK to switch over but prefer not to spend the extra if possible.

    Many thanks in advance


  • Given what you said (unpowered, needs to hear everything etc...), I think a regular drum monitor with your guitar in it. He'll feel it if its loud'd then have good control over all of the sound to him.

    Most active speak options are FRFR, of which there are quite a few but all fairly expensive - Yamaha DXR10 probably one of the best entry level at around £400...

    You could go regular cab and get a power amp. This would need to be behind him/as far back as possible so he picks it up..

    The point here is that this problem is not unique to the Kemper and the options are virtually the same....