ANY sort of distortion is extremely synthetic and strange sounding, as they were in the demos I uploaded.
It’s definitely strange as your demos sound terrible. However, I have also recently been noticing a strange distortion sound on all my profiles. Nothing like as bad or obvious as your but something different.
QuoteIt seems every profile, stock, purchased, and the one I profiled myself has something added into the gain/distortion. A lot of them almost sound like theres a very subtle wah or instability to the tone itself, and a graininess that doesn't belong.
It’s funny but that is exactly how I described it too. A sort of cocked wah sound and unstable warble. The KPA is normally so rock solid that my first responce is also to assume user error (particularly when the user is me). I then start to doubt my hearing and assume I must be imagining it (in most cases I am). But this one has me stumped. I think something has happened to the sound and there is a very unpleasant wah to the mids now. I can’t put mu finger on it exactaly and I might still be imagining it but last night I took the same MBritt 69 Marshall profile and PRS 513 the sound guy told me was the best live sound he had ever heard and was looking arround to check my wah wasn’t accidentally switched on. The definition control was set at 10 on the profile. I managed to improve it somewhat by taking it down to 5 but there was still a hint of the wah sound there. I tried several other profiles and made a quick profile of my Mesa Mark V:25 and in all cases it still thought I was hearing it. Turning down definition helped each time but it still didn’t sound the way I remember it previously. I’ve been noticing this since upgrading the the 5.7xxxx firmwares but I don't specifically recall the first time i noticed it.
I still think it could be my imagination or confirmation bias based on the number of people who complain about the mids (even though they can’t identify the kemper in a blind test) but I am gradually starting to think there may be something more to it.