Reamping using 6i6 2nd gen. Need some advice about cable routing and device settings!

  • Hey guys!

    Been loving my kemper so far; decided to upgrade my audio interface to a Scarlett 6i6 so that I can reamp stuff. I've found some guides but apparently the 2nd gen uses a different control program which none of the videos show which makes me somewhat confused. Should be added that I'm a TOTAL newbie when it comes to this kind of stuff. :P

    So I've got the kemper spdif out to the 6i6 spdif in and;

    The 6i6 spdif out to the kemper spdif in.

    Now inside the program called "Focusrite Control" I'm stuck. I've read through a lot on Focusrite's homepage; both at this page -…rite-interface- ||| and also on -…-amping-guitars and -

    I'm totally lost. Tried reading some other guides on the kemper forums but I literally can't wrap my head around it.

    If I've understood everything correctly, the 6i6 should be set to 44.1 kHz and the clock source to be spdif. I've got that going and it's synced, so I'm now getting the sound from the kemper to the audio interface and out through my HS8's connected to the 6i6.

    In the output menu I've set the SPDIF output to be stereo, not sure if that's correct. :/

    I saw some other videos of people using the main output, direct output and return input with TRS cables but I'm guessing that's because they don't use spdif? :/

    I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times and I apologize for not being able to find another appropriate question here on the forums but I simply can't bloody find it. :wacko:

    Here's a picture of how it looks inside Focusrite Control;

    From what I can understand I need to split these like this;

    After that I have no bloody clue as to what I have to do.

    I read through Michael_dk guide ; Guide: Focusrite Saffire / Mixcontrol Reamping ||| and I really wish I could wrap my head around it, but I can't. Might be tired after work but I'd really like to have this set up and running TONIGHT! ^^

    I'll leave this here and hope I get some help, otherwise I'll just sleep on it and I might actually understand the guide tomorrow when I wake up. ||:wacko::sleeping:

    Jeez... Either way, thanks in advance! 8)

  • Your input should be set like this

    Connect the analog or S/PDIF OUTPUT of your recording device to the or of the PROFILER. Go to the input menu and set “Input Source” to either “Return Input Reamp” or “S/PDIF Input Reamp”. If you have already recorded the DI signal, play it back now and feed it to the PROFILER.



    You don’t have to unplug your guitar from the front input . It will no longer be routed to the signal flow of the PROFILER, due to the “Reamp” Input Source settings - however, it still feeds the selected DI output and thus the input of your recording device.

    As soon as you arm a track on your recording device, you will hear your guitar being fed through the device and back into the reamp input. This routing might introduce some latency from your recording device; to avoid this, set “Input Source” back to “Front Input” for as long as you are recording.

    And spdif output should be set to master stereo (or mono whichever you want}


    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Okey so if I want to be able to record the processed signal and the DI signal I have to do following;

    S/PDIF OUTPUT on the 6i6 to ---> S/PDIF IN on the Kemper.

    S/PDIF OUT on the Kemper to ---> the S/PDIF IN on the 6i6.

    How do I split the signal so I get the DI signal, is that possible via S/PDIF? Or is that done via TRS/XLR from the Direct Output on the Kemper to the front input on the 6i6?

    Is that all the cable routing that needs to be done? Or do I need to put an XLR into the return input of the back of the Kemper? I'm so confused. :/

    I'm lost on the cable routing and on the software routing. I did manage to get sound into Ableton, but even when I enabled all outputs and inputs the playback was only fed to the monitors and not back into the kemper after selecting "Reamp" Input on the Kemper Input Setting?

    Truly appreciate all help with this, sorry for bothering you Morph :)

  • Plug a jack cable from the direct out to any input. Use 2 spdif cables as you describe above. Enable two tracks in ableton,one for the clean signal from the di out and one for the spdif.

    I did the reamp thing in two stages, first record a clean track from the direct output into any input on the 6i6 with it set to Git Analog, this will be a completely clean track to reamp later. You can still monitor through the Spdif outs which are master stereo. Then assign the clean track to 5 or 6 in Ableton ( this is the default output for spdif on the 6i6.)

    Play your track back and set the kemper input to spdif input reamp.

    I hope this makes sense

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Aye Morph I've managed to get everything setup correctly apart from getting the signal from the DI-track back into the Kemper for reamping. I'm getting a constant high-pitched sound, I guess I'm not assigning the correct output from the 6i6 back into the Kemper. In my head I'm thinking the DI track is on, say track number 5; that should be set as the S/PDIF Output - Ext. Out. And the new reamped signal should come from the "regular" processed signal on, say track 4. I have changed the input setting to "Reamp S/PDIF source" or whatever it's called (not sitting near my toaster atm.) :) Is that the correct way or have I done something wrong? :)

    Sorry if I'm not being clear enough :sleeping: