I Need MAC Interface Suggestions

  • Apollo 8 Quad

    Had Apollo Twin before.

    If I didn't have Apollo, I'd probably have a Clarett or Audient. I thought the Audient sounded noticeably better than the Clarett. Great A/D converters in that box!

    I have the Apollo 8 more for the I/O, but they lack Midi, so I use iConnectivity for MIDI. Had a 1x Mio, went to 2x, now on 4x. This goes USB to the computer and has been flawless in it's plug-n-play for all things MIDI IN/OUT. Even if you have a MIDI port on your interface, it's a great switcher since you can control it in the DAW Inputs.

  • The thing about interfaces that needs study before buying are the "mix software" that interfaces between the hardware and your computer.

    Some are intuitive ( Audient) some were not easy but have gotten better with newer products (Clarett) The Apollo is "ok". Not a fan of the RME mix software (had a crybaby) Unless they updated it to be more user friendly.