Weird sound while trying to record...

  • Hello everyone,

    I am getting an odd sound while trying to record with the Kemper (soundcloud link to "sound" below).

    I am running the Kemper main outs (stereo) to a Presonus Audiobox, into Logic Pro X. (The sound happens in mono as well).

    The sound does not exist when the Kemper is out of the equation. (So, guitar straight into the Audiobox does not have the sound).

    Any idea what could be causing the issue, and any way to get rid of this?

    The sound does NOT happen when I plug my headphones into the Kemper, it will still record the noise, but I can't hear it from the Kemper headphone jack. I've already tried different cables/guitars/profiles.

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    Thank you for the help!

  • Okay, this is interesting.

    I started getting a noise that sounds exactly like this about a week or so ago. However, this was a couple of days after I accidentally left my wireless unit powered on for a little over a day (Kemper had been shut down normally), so my assumption was that the wireless was going south on me.

    I only get this sound after I power everything up. All is normal for a minute or two, then I get this sound, but it stops after about 20 or 30 seconds and doesn't return again until the next day after I've powered everything up cold.

    Does your noise go away after a minute or so, or is it a constant no matter how long your unit is up?

    In my case I can't say with certainty that it's the Kemper generating this, so I'll have to do some tests on cold boot using a cable instead of my wireless to eliminate that possibility. I'll also be prepared to listen in the headphones to see if it's there as well to see if I'm getting the same results as you.

    The only other thing that comes to mind in your case would be some kind of feedback loop. You might want to look at it from that angle with your DAW / audio interface and see if that leads you anywhere useful.

    Beyond that, since you've already done all the obvious debugging, you might want to contact support. If I can confirm that my noise is indeed the Kemper and not my wireless (it may still be the wireless and just a similar sound), I'll be doing the same.

    Anyone else ever heard this sound?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Okay, for what it's worth, I was unable to reproduce the problem I'm having with just the Kemper, so I suspect my situation is related to the wireless.

    Other than a possible feedback loop between the Kemper and your DAW, I can't think of anything else that would help.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I took a look at your Presonus to try to think this through and honestly as simple as the device is feedback doesn't seem likely.

    The next thing I'd look into are levels. We may have to do a little back and forth with this but I'm happy to help if I can. Here are a few debugging questions.

    • What are the output levels you have the Kemper set to?
    • What are the two input knob levels set to on the Presonus (e.g. 9:00, 3:00, etc.)
    • Do you have 48v phantom power enabled?
    • I heard the noise itself. Is that what you get when you're playing / recording the Kemper as well, or just at idle?
    • Even if sounds bad, posting audio of your recorded track would also give us something to evaluate.

    Actually, as I work through this, one possibility does come to mind for feedback. I'm guessing that you're getting audio into Logic via USB. I don't have logic or the Presonus interface so my knowledge is limited on them. However, is it possible that the Kemper audio is coming into Logic via USB, and then via USB that audio is also being fed into the two Presonus inputs? That would be a feedback loop.

    I would check all the inputs and outputs that you have configured in Logic to see if that's possible. Also, if you're enabling monitoring on your track so that you can hear the Kemper sound through your speakers as you record, you might check that and the output routing of your tracks to see if they can make their way back to the USB input channels.

    Additionally, audio interfaces sometimes come with their own software that lets you configure the routing. If that's the case for the Presonus, you might also check all possible USB audio paths in that light.

    I apologize for the vagueness of my thoughts but I haven't used Logic since the 90s when Apple bought them and discontinued Windows support.

    In any event, let me know the answers to the bulleted questions, but then also give some thought to the USB routing mentioned above, and perhaps somewhere in all that we'll find a smoking gun.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited 3 times, last by Chris Duncan (February 25, 2019 at 5:08 PM).