Input clipping when using pedals??

  • Hi all.

    I am fairly new to using the Kemper. I am going to be touring with a kemper rack direct into an IEM setup. Since I havent really had time to mess around I am using the Kemper on a clean Fender Twin profile and running overdrive and a solo boost pedal out front, like using a traditional amp. However I have noticed the input light going into the red the odd time. Is this clipping the input into digital distortion and should I adjust the input volume?

    Eventually I plan to use a midi trigger out front to switch patches etc. But for the moment I am looking advice for how best to use the Kemper with pedals.

  • you can try to adjust the clean send parameter in the input menu

    also you can use the Fx Loop (send / return on the back of the Profiler) to insert your pedals into the signal chain after the input

    but if there is no distortion in the signal, the headroom is sufficient and you don't have to change anything