Can the Kemper generate MIDI as well as accept it?

  • Hi all, I'm new to the forum and am saving for a Kemper Powerrack later this year!

    I have a small query about the MIDI functionality that the manual hasn't been able to answer for me. For the most part, I'd be happy to move a lot of my effects onto the Kemper, but I have a Strymon BigSky and TimeLine which I love, and want to keep using. Currently I send program change messages via MIDI using a Boss MS-3 to switch presets during a show. I play ambient music so as you can imagine, I make use of a lot of those sorts of presets!

    If I were to only use a Kemper with my two Strymons, I would need an alternate method of MIDI control. I like the idea of the Kemper Remote to switch rigs, but what I don't know is whether I can, for instance, have the Kemper generate the two program change messages necessary to switch the Strymons. Ideally I'd like to be able to load up a rig, and at the same time it would fire off the program changes, thus changing the Strymons and the Kemper with one button.

    If the Kemper can only accept MIDI messages and not generate any itself, then the Remote is perhaps not the route to go down, as I would really like a one-button solution to the MIDI switching 'problem', so I'd probably have to buy a different MIDI controller to control both the Kemper and the Strymons. I probably intend to keep using the Boss MS-3 for some momentary effects but there are a couple of limitations that stop it from being the best option for MIDI/Kemper control.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

  • That's fantastic! In fact when I loaded up the manual just there it turns out I was on the very page that described what you were saying... not sure how my reading comprehension failed me so spectacularly but thank you for telling me anyways.

    I'll need to have a long think about how best to plan out my rig to keep it versatile - I hope another forum post on that won't be spammy - but it helps to hear from experienced Kemper users as to how I should go about this!