Noob question! No sound change in profiles when scrolling!!

  • Hi, I'm a noob sorta. So I just gotmy unpowered toaster kemper a few days agoits been great. I've loaded a couple profile packs with my usb stick. Now, 2 days later I load a new batch of profiles in it, and I'm not sure if I hit a wrong button or what....So, now in browser mode, I have all rigs selected for the view mode, and if I play and scroll through my profiles with the browse knob the sound doesn't change unless I hit the LOAD button which constantly flashes when I try to switch to a new profile!!! Please help, I hope this is an easy noob fix!!! Thanks in advance, Randy

  • 407 profiles total right now. I'll try to keep the profile number lower, there is some I could delete

    Everyone's usage varies, but I find that Rig Manager helps in a number of ways. I have two primary scenarios, studio use and playing with cover band guys. I also have something ridiculous like 1500 profiles or so (looking at you, Black Friday).

    I find that keeping a large number on the unit itself makes browsing tedious in the extreme. However, there's no point having the horses if you don't ride them (or at least throw a saddle on from time to time), so I tend to do all of my sound auditioning sitting in the studio in front of Rig Manager, with auto load set on. Play a little, down arrow to the next interesting thing, play a little more.

    On my Kemper, I have only the profiles that I'm actually using at the moment. This includes performances tweaked for specific songs, and some go to gain / clean sounds that I know I always enjoy. Since there's not much on the unit, and the ones that are there are the ones I know I like, there's only a small collection to browse through. This makes everything quick and easy to find.

    Also, I have a few folders set up in RM to make exploration more intuitive for me. I only have commercial profiles from three vendors at the moment, plus what ships with the Kemper. So, one folder is by vendor, grouped beneath that by the various pack names.

    However, sometimes I know I want to specifically reach for a Friedman, a Fender, a Vox, etc. So, I have another top level folder called Amps, and subfolders with the amp manufacturer (i.e. Friedmans amps of all types like BE, Taco, etc. under the single Friedman folder), regardless of vendor. I then copied amps from the factory presets and vendor packs into the appropriate amp folders. Since this is only in RM, I'm not concerned about the space taken by duplicate profiles. It's more important for me to be able to quickly find what I'm looking for.

    Of course, if there's a reason you're not able to run Rig Manager this approach isn't relevant for your needs. However, if you can connect a computer / RM to your Kemper, it opens up a world of possibilities, and you don't have to make decisions about deleting stuff. Quite the contrary, as my amp folder approach illustrates - you can have duplicates for convenience and there's no down side.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Glad you got it worked out. I assumed you were working on the KPA directly and not in rig manager. When you do get rig manager going, then double clicking on the profiles in rig manager will let you preview the sounds and play them without saving them in the KPA itself. It's a quick and easy way to test out new profiles, then you save the ones you want to keep on the KPA.

    Good luck tone surfing ?

  • I got over excited when I first got my Kemper and started loading hundreds of profiles. Too many rigs sounded fantastic so I wanted a huge collection of amps in my box.

    That was just over a year ago.

    Nothing's changed....:P^^:P^^