background noise and feedback

  • since i started this thread, thought i'd chuck in my pennyworth again

    There is a distinct difference with some gain settings to others, and i use a wide range of guitars, from humbucker mounted PRS and les paul, to P90 hamer and single coil tele, all of them to a lesser and greater degree, have this interference

    I have a bought a mains pack filter, and changed guitar leads, and gone round the house turing all possible signal interference off, still there

    not blaming kemper per se, and its not a deal breaker, the unit is far too good to let go, but with valve amps never had this, continue to try and find a solution, it does go when my picking hand is on the guitar strings, what does that mean?

  • and changed guitar leads

    What about the other leads/cables and their condition you are using for the rest of your connections, in and out the KPA and to other peripherals you may have connected?

    Also if the noise goes away with your hand on the strings, that is most probablyy caused by unearthed wiring at some point (I am sure a more experienced member can explain it better than me).

  • Quote

    it does go when my picking hand is on the guitar strings, what does that mean?

    I assume this is to read :

    "the noise does go [away] when my picking hand is on the guitar strings, what does that mean? "

    Most electric guitars include an earth ground wire to the tailpiece / bridge - to Ground the Strings.


    The goal is to provide a Ground path for the skin of the human playing the guitar.

    Our bodies are composed mostly of mineral enriched water, which is conductive to all stray EMI/EMF fields in the environment where we perform. These stray EMI/EMF fields have much subharmonic noise in the audio range (20-20kHz). If our bodies are not connected to Ground,our skin radiates much noise, and static charges. This can be demonstrated on a dry day indoors wearing leather shoes walking on shag carpet and then touching a metal door knob and experiencing the "zap" of static electrical discharge, as our body becomes "grounded".

    The Guitar String Ground provides a path to "earth" the performer. When your fingers are touching the strings, you are now "earthed" and at the same electrical potential as the analog Ground path in the host amplification system (KPA, Guitar Amp, etc). This minimizes the noise.

  • since i started this thread, thought i'd chuck in my pennyworth again

    not blaming kemper per se, and its not a deal breaker, the unit is far too good to let go, but with valve amps never had this, continue to try and find a solution, it does go when my picking hand is on the guitar strings, what does that mean?

    It is possible that you run the Profiler with more gain (or compressor) than your valve amp, just because it's easy. 6 dB more gain will not have much impact on a high gain sound, but will double the noise.

    Again, it is not the Profiler, that is producing the noise, only amplifying according to your settings.

  • I have this same issue on my Kemper now too. I did not have it a the beginning and now I have no idea when it started. Noise noise noise.


    I tried all the normal resets and nothing worked, I even redid the goddamn electronics in my guitar just in case.. NOPE. Then I degraded the firmware to 1.04 and booted into maintenance mode and formatted the flash memory. Immediately I rebooted, it booted VERY fast this time and then I got to put in my normal setup info. After this I went to the System block and restored system rigs.

    I have been playing now for 3 hours non stop, using the factory default rigs. All of them are basically awesome. The noise gate works great in 1.04. (1.08 is useless for me). AND my SPDIF master volume works so my rig doesn't clip on some presets.

    SO all my problems are solved, thanks to this forum. Honestly support did not help me with these issues.

    Edited once, last by mikeb (May 25, 2012 at 8:26 AM).

  • Mikeb, sorry that we could not help you, but we have no message from any other user, that the noise gate in 1.08 is working worse than in 1.04. Anybody?
    We are told that the newer noise gate works better in terms of attack.

  • are told that the newer noise gate works better in terms

    Sorry, that comment was more a result of frustration than me complaining. I have not communicated enough with support regarding my issues but in the long term, they have in fact been solved.

    That is interesting about the noise gate. I have not tried updating to 1.08 firmware again given that 1.04 is working well for me. What also helps is the Master Volume works for the SPDIF in 1.04.

    There is a real issue with corrupted system settings. That was the basis of all my issues.