MBritt Profiles Feel Distant?

  • Anybody else ever feel like MBritt profiles feel "distant" or "behind" the amp at all? I'm playing through a Suhr Alt T Pro with Thornbucker pickups (PAF style pups) and a Gemini 1-P cab. I've found myself to enjoy Selah Sounds profiles the best as I feel they are VERY versatile and seem to be the most responsive. However, I'd really like to use some of MBritts profiles but most all of them feel, as I said, somewhat distant. Is there a cab setting I need to adjust to help compensate for more of a "real" amp feel?

    I can get examples of which specific profiles feel this way later, but currently I am not in front of my profile.


  • Anybody else ever feel like MBritt profiles feel "distant" or "behind" the amp at all? I'm playing through a Suhr Alt T Pro with Thornbucker pickups (PAF style pups) and a Gemini 1-P cab. I've found myself to enjoy Selah Sounds profiles the best as I feel they are VERY versatile and seem to be the most responsive. However, I'd really like to use some of MBritts profiles but most all of them feel, as I said, somewhat distant. Is there a cab setting I need to adjust to help compensate for more of a "real" amp feel?

    I can get examples of which specific profiles feel this way later, but currently I am not in front of my profile.

    Britt is good Selah is good and thats all there is for me. I buy profiles every week from all different cies and use it depending of the project I work on

  • I love the MBritt profiles personally and don’t find them distant at all. Many people say that you need to lower the bass just a touch with his stuff though. Many also say they don’t necessarily work great for them at lower volumes but come alive on stage. That’s just personal taste though.

    Things I would try:

    Change the cab. Michael profiles nearly everything with the same 3rd Power cab.

    Tweak the definition control in the Amp Stack.

    Check the amp doesn’t have too much Amp Compression or Tube Bias.

    Tweak the Pure Cab setting. There is a global setting in the Output Menu but also a rig specific one in the Cab block. The higher setting always takes precedence I believe.

    Tweak the Low and High shape cntrols in the Cab Block.

    At the end of the day though Michael’s profile might just not be to your taste.

  • Ooops. I meant Pure Cabinet, not Real.

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  • I have several of Britt's profiles and they are some of the best I have tried. His clean sounds in particular are great.

    I have noticed on many of his profiles it sounds like he added a touch of short reverb like a room sound or something.

    I think it helps your sound cut through a bit in a live situation but perhaps that is giving you a sensation of distance?

    I am playing live through a Xitone Michael Britt powered cab and I usually play a tele with P90's on his profiles.

    I think he creates a lot of them using P90's in a Tom Anderson or Suhr guitar.

    Actually he is very responsive to correspondence on Facebook, he has answered several questions for me in the past.