Kemper XLR into mixer desk stereo line-in

  • Apologies if this has been asked before. Am away for work and using phone.

    I need a device to go from balanced XLR into unbalanced 1/4” jacks.

    The reason being that there are insufficient mike channels on the mixer, however there are unused “line in” stereo channels.

    I wish to get the two XLR left and right channels from my Kemper and run them into the line in stereo channels on the desk. However the Kemper XLR outputs are balanced and the desk inputs are unbalanced.

    So I need something to convert two channels balanced to two channels unbalanced.

    I’m thinking of getting a Two channel Radial passive DI box and running it backwards. I say backwards because mostly they’re used for 1/4” unbalanced in and XLR balanced out.

    Looking at
    - or

    Am I on the right track? Do these work backwards?

    And Radial are super expensive but I gather they sound great. Any other recommendations?



    Edited 2 times, last by leaf700 (December 9, 2018 at 11:09 PM).

  • chu There is a snake from the mixer to the stage. So that is why it has to be balanced XLR, because of the long run.

    Then I just talked to the sales guy at the online store. He said I don't even need a DI box as no impedance change. Just use a standard XLR to TS mono cable...

  • Xlr to ts isn't balanced so you'll gain nothing over an unbalanced cable. Sure it will work but it's the same as using the 1/4".

    I think Leaf700 is saying that the stage to desk snake is XLR at both ends to he really needs to convert the signal from XLR to TS at the mic position rather than running two TS cables from his Kemper right out front to the desk.