Eltzejupp Tweak: Paul Gilbert Rig for you

  • So here it is

    A divided by 13 amp profile from user Jonathan Crone called Div by 13 JJM50-Brig

    Tweak parameter tomorrow (added another cab, a muff for soling and...)

    Played with my Music Man Luke II

    Hope you like it

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  • Hi,

    here in the second vid are the funky fuzzy parameter of the divided by 13 amp video as promised

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    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (November 12, 2018 at 6:10 PM).

  • Beautiful, wonderfully played stuff, as all have said before me (I just today saw this thread for the first time), and which I had no doubt expected from you and have said the same to you in the past! Your tips and tweaks are really cool, and I simply have to grab that cab!!! It's so much fun to see how differently we all choose to tweak these rigs. Hooray Kemper for the freedom of expression they allow us!

    If I had any constructive criticism here whatsoever, and man... 'please don't everybody jump on me here!'... if there's any way you could shorten your spoken intros to these vids and get into the tweaks and playing quicker, that would be awesome and place you in an entirely different realm video-wise. Just a personal preference. I certainly could not do these videos (or any, as Nicky has said) nor could I play with your kind of chops, pretty ok as I might be... Chibson or Gibson be forewarned 8)

    Keep doing these videos!! We all love them and admire your dexterity and understanding of the Kemper and of it's tweaking greatly. 'Tis truly a wonderful community with lots of love evident in most comments and most notes that you play. I personally love that you share your gifts and wisdom with the rest of us!:) Thank you so much Frank!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Just to provide a counterpoint (not jumping on you, haha), I think he strikes a good mix, though I haven't watched all the videos. A large reason why people follow/watch the people they do is because of their personality, and that's hard to get across if you just jump right into it while you've still got your clothes on. :D

    Again, personal preference, like you say.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Hi guys,

    Thx for every comment. I‘ll do my best and I am still learning. I am not a pro player and not an actor;)

    As written before, no commercial interest here and I wonder about every donation which was done with the paypallink under my signature because of my bad English and the wrong notes I played :*



  • Hi guys,

    Thx for every comment. I‘ll do my best and I am still learning. I am not a pro player and not an actor;)

    As written before, no commercial interest here and I wonder about every donation which was done with the paypallink under my signature because of my bad English and the wrong notes I played :*



    bad english and wrong notes are no problem if the feeling is good. Better to learn from people who are have a big knowledge about things as from guys who have professional videos and channels, but the input ist nearly zero. Keep on rocking, and looking forward to your next videos.

  • Just to provide a counterpoint (not jumping on you, haha), I think he strikes a good mix

    A large reason why people follow/watch the people they do is because of their personality

    Absolutely true and it's great to see Frank's personality in action, I should not have said anything. It's cool to see and hear people being themselves where previously we only could read their writing. There's also a language barrier that could slow anyone down. I only speak 1 and it's a challenge sometimes 8o (well, most of the time really...) Keep up the great work Frank!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Yeah, I'll keep it up with

    STEVE VAI time


    The very first sound in the vid is only a gimmick.....my ei, ei, ei, wah sound......

    Have fun

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  • Sound part I and tweak parameter for the Vai stuff

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