12" Guitar Speaker Choice

  • Unfortunately, you can't just toss a couple Celestion F12-X200 drivers into any old 2x12 and expect it sound good. Every driver pairs with it's cabinet to achieve certain design goals... it's a system that works together. Everything from cabinet materials, internal volume, porting, bracing, and acoustic fill all contribute to how a cabinet will sound.

    Hopefully, Celestion will release some suggested ported/non-ported cabinet volume specs.

  • I’ve just bought an oversized Zilla Fatbaby cab with a Celestion Redback speaker to replace my 2x12 Cornford V30 cab that was breaking my back! I mainly play classic rock.

    It sounds fantastic - nice and clear like a V30 with no nasal quality or harshness. Band mates love the sound and cuts through like a knife . I would definitely recommend it.

  • I ordered a Celestion G12 V-Type (70 watt) yesterday. I'll put it into a 1x12 closed cab that I use with Kemper and a few low watt amps. I hope that it sounds like the celestion IR that I have tested.

    I already tried a Lynchback (sounded better in my Marshall cab, very close to older Greenbacks there), a Seventy 80 (cause Tech 21 uses them in there amps), V30 and new G12M Greenback.

    So I hope the V-Type can do it all

    - versatile like the Seventy 80, but not so harsh

    - modern touch like the V30 and tight bass, but without the mid peak

    - a balanced sound mixed with a small dose of vintage flair from the Greenback

    Let's see, if the V-Type works for me...

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (November 5, 2018 at 8:21 PM).

  • So I ended up getting a cheap second hand Blackstar 2x12 that's loaded with Celestion 70/80 speakers. It was so cheap that I had to. My plan is still to go 1x12, but this was now and I like now. :)

    Sounds really good to me so far, but haven't turned it up yet.

  • I’ve just bought an oversized Zilla Fatbaby cab with a Celestion Redback speaker to replace my 2x12 Cornford V30 cab that was breaking my back! I mainly play classic rock.

    It sounds fantastic - nice and clear like a V30 with no nasal quality or harshness. Band mates love the sound and cuts through like a knife . I would definitely recommend it.

    Nice - Welcome, Rob! :)

  • Finally I got my RedSound LG12 Passive Stack 1x12 Cab yesterday.

    The first impression: "It sounds GREAT!" Seems to be the perfect solution for me now with the powered Kemper.

    I never really liked the sound of "real" FRFR solution. To my ear it sounded harsh and a bit thin... I always liked the amp in the room sound... but with a cab I was not satisfied either, because I missed the high frequencies. It always sounded a bit muffled to me.

    The RedSound is in between FRFR and CAB, has lots of clarity without being too harsh. And now I can use the different cabs from all the amazing profiles out there... And it sounds good at any volume level!

    Still playing a bit with the eq settings on monitor out to get the perfect sound, but I am really close to what I want.

    Here is what I have tried so far:

    Powered Kemper with 1x12 Vox BC112 Cabinet, Marshall 1960A 4x12, Yamaha DXR10, Samson active nearfield monitors, RedSound LG12 passive 1x12

    For me the RedSound is the best joice if you like the feeling of a cab behind you with the clarity of FRFR. And since it sounds good on low volume it is perfect for practicing at bedroom volume.

  • I have been using an upright two rock 2x12 cab with two celestion redbacks, at 150 watts each wired 16 ohms the kemper output is running at 300 watts and is surprisingly just the ticket. I love it! But I will be at least trying the new Celestion Copperback 250 watt neodymiun non breakup speaker a new design not yet released. Or they also have a nice full range 12 coming out also. I am not into the full range thing really yet though I was in the beginning. I play out weekly in a Classic Rock/Blues Band so the proof is in the pudding. Forget about what sounds good at your house! Its what it sounds like in the mix and adjusting levels for cutting through like a knife! Sent my unpowered head back for the powered. Why not? You can still turn off the power amp and just use it unpowered anyway. I love it!

  • A few months out, do you still like the RedSound FRFR?

  • Yes I do, in fact I have learned to tweak it to my liking and it is perfect for me now...

    For shaping my live sound I control the settings (made on the RedSound) with headphone and my studio monitors, because the RedSound has not so much high end and I do not want my sound to be too harsh over the PA.

    I highly recommend this FRFR

  • I have been using an upright two rock 2x12 cab with two celestion redbacks, at 150 watts each wired 16 ohms the kemper output is running at 300 watts and is surprisingly just the ticket. I love it! But I will be at least trying the new Celestion Copperback 250 watt neodymiun non breakup speaker a new design not yet released. Or they also have a nice full range 12 coming out also. I am not into the full range thing really yet though I was in the beginning. I play out weekly in a Classic Rock/Blues Band so the proof is in the pudding. Forget about what sounds good at your house! Its what it sounds like in the mix and adjusting levels for cutting through like a knife! Sent my unpowered head back for the powered. Why not? You can still turn off the power amp and just use it unpowered anyway. I love it!

    Hi. Wondering if you ever tried the Copperback. If so, curious how you liked it.