SIM1 XT 1 - new profile request

  • I don`t think there would be a satisfying success to profile this pedal (if possible at all), since you have to make a "print" of the guitar you´re playing, that get matched within the pedal to get the right signal out of it...

    Would only be curious for some experiences here, if someone already owns this...

  • Excuse me, since english is not my native language I am not sure if I understand well what do you mean with “transfer of dynamic playing”... you can play normally with dynamics.. it is not like those midi touch non sensitive keyboards... haven’t you seen the videos on their website?

    I would like to mention also that they sell profiles of various guitars but contrary to the business model here you can try each and every profile before you buy it... so you are completely sure how will it sound in your environment with your hands, with your guitar to your ears... :)

    I am done and very happy with my KPA and XT1... I am not one of those guys who collect many guitars... I have no place for them... I am exactly on the opposite side which is maybe a little strange... :D

  • Hey, English is also not my native and I am not already sure if “transfer of dynamic playing” are the right words for what I want to say...:pinch:

    but you seem to understand right...

    I am also thinking about to buy the pedal (and around me is also not enough space for many guitars), but since it is very Xpensive I wanted to hear some user-Xperience...

    In your oppinion, it is worth that money?

    Do you think the "guitar prints" (to avoid the word "profiles") are dead on (-are similar to the real guitars they are trying to achieve...)

    Can you really play a HB sound with a SC (Do you have e.g. a Les Paul sound, but the sustain of a Stratocaster then...?

    Sorry for that much questions, and my bad english, and thank you for taking time to read and answer...

    It would not matter to me if it`s not that accurate as the Kemper, to sound like (e.g.) a `58 LP XY..., but if you really can (virtually) change a guitar with it and the sound is satisfying it would be a dream for me...

    I could then "change a guitar" with a footswitch, while doing live looping...

  • Hi, excuse my late answer but I am still very busy till the next Sunday.. I would strongly suggest you to find some shop which will allow you to try XT1 on your own.. so you will hear what it will do with your guitar ecc.. I am very happy with this purchase but regarding you I don not know what is your budget.. I hace decided to buy it! no regret!!! .. yes, it is not cheap but any other good guitar would cost me much more.. :D:D:D and I am aboslutely sure that do not want to collect more real guitars than I have (3 guitars and 1 bass) it´s enough!! ...

    yes, you can achieve that twangy sound with humbuckers.. sometimes are differences very evident sometimes are slighter.. it depends also on used KPA profiles.. I have no time to make some audio clips at the moment but here you can hear one sample which I recorded long time ago, it is acoustic sound which I obtained from one of Bert´s Acoustic profiles and XT1 simulation of acoustic guitar.. I am quite satisfied with it.. this is my Carvin AH model on neck humbucker:

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    and I would like to repeat, any other guitar profiles which they sell you can try (endlessly) so you will buy only those you are absolutely sure you will use.. for 10 USD.. all positions of pickups.. and all other profiles of guitars in the forum section are for free..