High gain Hardcore/metal Noise gate (Decimator G String style)

  • I think if the Kemper had a Decimator G String style noise gate, it would really help with catering to a niche metal and hardcore market and would really improve my workflow. The existing noise gate isnt as fast and aggressive as what the metal producers and guitarists need. To whoever reads this, thankyou for your time

    Beau McKee - Producing Engineer
    @ Frequency Studios
    Phone: +61 421 938 284


  • I don't know this noise gate and have no kemper amp yet but i heard an rode a lot of not very good comment about the noise gate, especially for high gain amp.

    Christophe kemper, is something is planed for new/better noise gate ??

  • I think if the Kemper had a Decimator G String style noise gate, it would really help with catering to a niche metal and hardcore market and would really improve my workflow. The existing noise gate isnt as fast and aggressive as what the metal producers and guitarists need. To whoever reads this, thankyou for your time

    Have you tried the decimator directly in the Kemper fx loop?

  • i also agree that the noise gate needs improvement. it was one of the reasons (although a less important one) why i ended up returning my unit

    here's what i mean with better:

    additional parameters: "attack", "release" and "ratio" would help to be able to adjust the gate better in combination with high-gain amps

    routable gate as an effect pedal: having a noise gate before the amp is great for avoiding unwanted feedback and reducing unwanted noise. especially if using a compressor or boost pedal in front of a high-gain amp. a second gate at the end of the signal chain with less sensitivity helps to get rid of the noise coming from running a boost pedal into a high-gain amp.

  • +1 on that. For an upcoming tour I'll have to use my old Boss Noise Supressor in front of the Kemper!

    Is it working better? Really? I can understand for the Decimator (never had one, but heard only good things about it), but the Boss.?..I've returned the one I once bought after 3 days and got a Hush instead

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Yeah, it works better ESPECIALLY at killing feedback on stage. I am using high gain sounds on stage and want my guitar to be silent in the breaks (lots of stop and go sort of riffing) - makes my playing tighter, hehe. The Kemper Gate is in small dozes good at killing (or rather shaping) noise but it's not suitable for killing feedback or unwanted guitar noises that's why a classic noisegate would be really cool, even if they included it as a stomp effect!

  • A line 6 like noise gate, it's what i'd like to have in the kemper.

    In the old pod 2.0 the noise gate just cut the sshhhhhh and even with a lot gain, you can let your note die without it cut, without breathing, sshhh and pshhh !!

    Kind of noise gate is jut great for modern/djent metal riff for play tight, clear with a lot of blanc in riff.

    With bad noisegate and a lot of gain, you need to play or very high or stop to play, it's very restrictive...

  • A line 6 like noise gate, it's what i'd like to have in the kemper.

    In the old pod 2.0 the noise gate just cut the sshhhhhh and even with a lot gain, you can let your note die without it cut, without breathing, sshhh and pshhh !!

    Kind of noise gate is jut great for modern/djent metal riff for play tight, clear with a lot of blanc in riff.

    With bad noisegate and a lot of gain, you need to play or very high or stop to play, it's very restrictive...

    +1, the best noise gates ever are in Line 6 stuff

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • I am thinking about an alternative noise gate.
    It is worth mentioning that in the (public beta) versions after 1.04 the noise gate has a much faster attack, thus no coloring of the pick.

    But I know you talking about a different thing: cutting the sound on fast stops. Not a subtile noise gate but a gate that you can hear!
    Please allow me some time to realize that.


  • I am thinking about an alternative noise gate.
    It is worth mentioning that in the (public beta) versions after 1.04 the noise gate has a much faster attack, thus no coloring of the pick.

    But I know you talking about a different thing: cutting the sound on fast stops. Not a subtile noise gate but a gate that you can hear!
    Please allow me some time to realize that.


    The most important thing is to make things dead silent even on high gain profiles, because this is the current noise gate's biggest weakness.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.