How to properly connect looper pedal

  • Hi guys so here's the thing: I would like to be able to record a loop with the rc1 loop station pedal but in a way that each and every layer remains as I recorded them throughout the whole looping process. Because at the moment, any change of preset or effect modulation will affect every loop even though they were not recorded like that.I tried to connect the pedal these ways :

    - Guitar -> Pedal -> Kemper front input:

    Got the sound of the pedal but the loop layers did not remain untouched when I changed profile or modulated effect

    - Output of pedal to return input Kemper, and input of pedal to direct output send of Kemper

    Got no sound from the pedal at all

    Do you guys know if there's a way of achieving that? Thanks in advance.

  • you need to make sure that you have the correct output source assigned to the direct out (Master Mono) and that the level for the direct out is raised. To hear the resulting loop you need to raise the Aux in volume level for the output you are monitoring through. All of these settings are done in the output menu.

  • The aux in function is stereo. If you only use the return input you only hear one side. You need to connect another cable from the loop station to the alternative input for stereo or you can activate the aux in mono option in the output menu to have a mono signal on both sides. This option is available in the current version of the PROFILER OS.