Reached a wall with my Kemper.

  • Try adding a bit of Clarity from the amp section or dropping the gain when you switch from single coil to humbucker. You’re driving the amp harder with the Paul than you are with the Strat causing more distortion I believe.

  • Try adding a bit of Clarity from the amp section or dropping the gain when you switch from single coil to humbucker. You’re driving the amp harder with the Paul than you are with the Strat causing more distortion I believe.

    While that will do the job its better to change distortion sense in the input menu when changing guitars.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • You could always try the Rory Gallagher and Richie Blackmore trick with a Marshall and place a treble boost in the stomp section. A friend of mine was complaining that his Marshall amp was sounding woolly - it worked for him in a live situation. The treble boost attenuates the bottom end and focuses the mid for much tighter sound. The Tube Screamer can do a similar thing.

  • Thanks for the suggestions all, I've tried everything mentioned here.

    Its still not working out unfortunately, and for a street price of £1450 I expected it to work out. The Torpedo Captor is going for £200, I can get a mike and build an isolation cab for my amp at about that price also.

    I'll keep trying with the Kemper for a little while longer, but I'll probably sell it.

  • I've just been trying the Britt Mars J800 1 5 2. It actually sounds fine to me - not my kind of thing but perfectly playable.

    Perhaps a new set of questions is needed. How are you monitoring these sounds? Are you using good quality studio monitors with a studio quality sound card? You probably haven't given us enough information about your system for us to be of much help.

    I have to say that I don't like a lot of the profiles out there. To my ears many of them are over-bright and too edgy for my purposes. It has taken me a while to create a library of sounds that suit me.

  • I’ve seen these threads pop up repeatedly since purchasing my KPA and they always seems to follow the same pattern...

    1. Post begins: I hate/not liking/disappointed with my Kemper
    2. Kemperites arrive and offer possible solutions
    3. Poster offers additional info as to why they aren’t happy
    4. Sound clips requested by Kemperites
    5. Additional solutions offered
    6. Poster offers additional info and possibly posts links to sounds they like
    7. Sound clips requested by Kemperites
    8. Poster disappears or gracefully bows out of thread

    This seems to happen repeatedly and I don’t recall ever seeing a positive outcome.

    I’m not attacking the poster here, but, attempting to solve a problem without hearing what you’re hearing is a futile endeavor. You HAVE to post clips. Even a phone audio clip of what you’re hearing in the room would be helpful as without a source of reference, the experts are flying blind.

    The other issue is, unfortunately, good tone is VERY subjective. Having worked live sound production and played in bands for years I can tell you with absolute authority that there are great guitar players with horrible ears for tone and mediocre guitar players with some of the best sounding rigs I’ve ever heard.

    The ear is a funny thing. No two people hear the same sound in the same way. SRV, Iommi, Rhoads, Lynch, Mayer, Johnson, Bonamassa. They all sound different to each set of ears. Most of the time, a consensus or agreement can be reached on who has a great tone but there is NO universal holy grail tone.

    Until we have that, in order for people to find a sound that is pleasing to their ears, we will have to figure out some sort of baseline to refer people to. This will allow people with problems to troubleshoot and inevitably find a solution and a baseline tone helps to establish a point of reference.

    That said, in my opinion, if you pull up the Manrock 800 profile(a stock profile), plug in a Les Paul and you’re NOT getting tone nirvana, something is wrong with your setup. That profile has a great gain structure, balanced tone and offers me a great baseline with a LP, Strat, Tele through my Mesa cab and HR824 monitors.

    Sorry for the long winded post but I felt the need to chime in.

  • During the last couple of years I have made numerous threads about how "thin" Kemper sounds.

    Turns out I dialed in too low gain on all my profiles to make it sounds "tight"...
    The last week I started cranking the gain and there's suddenly a lot more low-end coming through, making it sound like I ever imagined it to.

    Think how much a simply gain knob wasted a couple of years for me... Anyway, life aint over, and I will create more kickass sounding recordings now once I knew the issue :thumbup:

  • I've just been trying the Britt Mars J800 1 5 2. It actually sounds fine to me - not my kind of thing but perfectly playable.

    Perhaps a new set of questions is needed. How are you monitoring these sounds? Are you using good quality studio monitors with a studio quality sound card? You probably haven't given us enough information about your system for us to be of much help.

    I have to say that I don't like a lot of the profiles out there. To my ears many of them are over-bright and too edgy for my purposes. It has taken me a while to create a library of sounds that suit me.

    I did mention I'm using an RME Fireface in all fairness. Using Swan monitors, will be upgrading later in year possibly. Headphones, Sennheiser HD25. Going into Reaper.

    I could post a clip when I get the chance, but I'm not sure what anyone can suggest. I've been through all the functions on the Kemper I can find, plus taken on board the kind suggestions here. There's nothing moire to really try, though I'll keep going with it for a while.

    I'm back at the same point I was with POD HD, endless tweaking with no real satisfying results. It could be that the Kemper quite simply isn't for me.

  • Try adding a bit of Clarity from the amp section or dropping the gain when you switch from single coil to humbucker. You’re driving the amp harder with the Paul than you are with the Strat causing more distortion I believe.

    Pick ups on one of my starts is hot, the other strat is a bit weaker. The LP is in between the two.

  • You never mentioned (that i saw) whether you've tried load boxes, micing a tube amp etc that you are comparing this to...why not buy the Torpedo for $200 or so used and compare it...can easily resell if you decide the Kemper is better.

  • When I switch my Charvel from SC to HB I get that same feeling like I'm suddenly playing in mud. I use an EQ (A-D slot) stomp that came with a Morgan AC20 rig in RE. It mostly adds a +7db bump around 2500hz. Change mix to suit, its helped me hope it does you too.

  • My advice in cases like this:

    1) Play your favorite CD via the same monitor speakers - how does it sound?
    2) Play some videos of the guitar and amp combination you love via your speakers - how does it sound?
    3) Play some great demo clips of Kemper profiles via your monitor speakers - how does it sound?

    If all sounds bad - buy better speakers
    If all sounds great - it's your guitar or your Kemper setup/used profiles

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • My advice in cases like this:

    1) Play your favorite CD via the same monitor speakers - how does it sound?
    2) Play some videos of the guitar and amp combination you love via your speakers - how does it sound?
    3) Play some great demo clips of Kemper profiles via your monitor speakers - how does it sound?

    If all sounds bad - buy better speakers
    If all sounds great - it's your guitar or your Kemper setup/used profiles

    I appreciate the advice, but with respect I've been playing guitar since 1991. Been in studios since around then, started a small home studio in 2004. I know what good speakers sound like.

  • Perhaps you are right and the Kemper is not for you. I don't think it is easy to find your own sound - I certainly found it difficult with Amplitude, Guitar Rig and Bias Amp. The Kemper did take a little bit of a learning curve, as I could not understand why many of the profiles did not work for me.

    It took me some time to work out exactly the kind of profiles that suited my playing- much in the same way that I discovered what amps I did not like before I found some that I did. The strange thing is that what profiles suit my Tele and Strats do not always work well with my 335 and 330. Much in the same way of real amps. I am certain you know this. Given that it is impossible to help without hearing the issue I am at a loss to know what to suggest. I do feel however that the Torpedo may not necessarily be the solution as you might well face the same issue - what you might want and what you get. Personally I think that a guitarist playing in the virtual world needs to get over the idea that the sound will be like an amp in the real world - it will sound like mix ready amp sound, which is not the same thing at all. Again you know that.

  • "I could post a clip when I get the chance, but I'm not sure what anyone
    can suggest. I've been through all the functions on the Kemper I can
    find, plus taken on board the kind suggestions here. There's nothing
    moire to really try, though I'll keep going with it for a while."

    T. I hope you're not gaming my homies here.
    Since I joined the Kartel I have seen these guys give their best efforts to help any and everyone.
    Don't be afraid to post a clip. These guys have heard mine and no one called me a stack of Mutherfuckers yet.
    Otherwise you may have an insatiable situation. Be Safe 8)