FINALLY... I ordered my Kemper yesterday ;-) I'm so happy !!!

  • I just downloaded 1500 profiles from the RE Just wanna hear everything... And I bought a bunch of profiles too. I am out of control. I dont wanna hear anything else than Kemper sounds. I am in another dimension of life maybe LOL hahahahaha Yes it's Disneyland for me... ;)

  • Geez, and I thought I had it bad when I first bought mine. :D

    Actually, I did. I'd downloaded thousands of Rigs from the exchange before I realised that if I installed RM they'd all be right there. X/ This was whilst I was waiting for the unit to arrive, which took 6 weeks IIRC.

  • I just downloaded 1500 profiles from the RE Just wanna hear everything... And I bought a bunch of profiles too. I am out of control. I dont wanna hear anything else than Kemper sounds. I am in another dimension of life maybe LOL hahahahaha Yes it's Disneyland for me... ;)

    Ya, just a heads-up: You can preview rigs from the exchange instantly without having to actually download any of them.

  • I just downloaded 1500 profiles from the RE Just wanna hear everything... And I bought a bunch of profiles too. I am out of control. I dont wanna hear anything else than Kemper sounds. I am in another dimension of life maybe LOL hahahahaha Yes it's Disneyland for me... ;)

    try to stay calm. At the beginning you will try 250 rigs and you will be completely sounded. You must take your time to find your own sound and master the settings of each things. [Blocked Image:]
    I hope you'll explain us your experience [Blocked Image:]

  • Geez, and I thought I had it bad when I first bought mine. :D

    Actually, I did. I'd downloaded thousands of Rigs from the exchange before I realised that if I installed RM they'd all be right there. X/ This was whilst I was waiting for the unit to arrive, which took 6 weeks IIRC.

    6 weeks Monkey_Man!!! i'd have gone crazy. I saved up for the last 6 months and finally got my KPA last Thursday. It took 2 days to arrive from Sweetwater and i just about broke the internet from constantly checking on the transit via FedEx tracking:)

    As far as rigs go, i spent the first couple days just checking out the stock profiles and some of the free profiles from with no effects. Then last night i thought, "Let me check out what the effects are like...". My mind was blown by the sheer volume of effects. The KPA has definitely got MUCH more depth than i previously thought. While i'm probably still in the honeymoon phase, i believe i can easily say that for me the KPA has been one of the best gear purchase that i've ever made. The tones are incredible and the guys in the forum have been top notch too!

  • While i'm probably still in the honeymoon phase, i believe i can easily say that for me the KPA has been one of the best gear purchase that i've ever made. The tones are incredible and the guys in the forum have been top notch too!

    I REPEAT THAT AS I THINK EXACTLY THE SAME : While i'm probably still in the honeymoon phase, i believe i can easily say that for me the KPA has been one of the best gear purchase that i've ever made. The tones are incredible and the guys in the forum have been top notch too!