Your favourite Marshall profile?

  • I'm a Marshall/Les Paul addict, am constantly trying to re create that sound with my Kemper. I've had some good results with a couple of Top Jimi profiles, but am looking out for others that may be even better.

    Any suggestions?

  • the ones featured in this thread ( 68 plexi ) are really fantastic , I wrote a full track using these in all sorts of gain and they were brilliant ( track coming soon )

    I like dark tones and a bit of mud, and use mainly P90 so it's a biased advice ;)

    Clips & review here :

    1968 Marshall JMP "Plexi"-Profiles!

    PS ; I also used my 1970 Les Paul using the most gainy one for leads , and the outcome was tremendous in term of tones ( similar lead tones from Sweet Child o mine )

  • There is an MBritt profile pack included with one of the past few Kemper updates and in that pack there is a JCM800 profile that to me, is simply head and shoulders above everything else I’ve tried. I can’t remember the exact name of it. It’s something like “CM 800 1 8 2” or something weird like that. The only change I had to make to the EQ was to turn up the presence to about .9 and then turn the treble up to 1.0. Then I just added my usual effects and noise gate settings. It’s UNREAL!!

    I’ve tried a bunch of others and I just can’t find one that is any better and has a real organic feel like this one. TAF always seems WAY too boomy for me, TopJimi too thin, others too digital, etc.

    With all that said, it’s really going to depend on what YOU like and what your setup consists of, and playing style. This same exact profile that I love so much, may sound very different to you if you’re using a different guitar. I’m using a Guthrie Govan signature model Charvel. So using a Gibson is going to have a very different sound. Even something simple as your playing style and attack will change the sound of a profile. It’s like when Nuno Bettencourt described how excited he was when he got the opportunity to play on Eddie Van Halen’s rig. He said “oh, I’m finally going to sound like Eddie.” He said he got on the rig, started playing and said “Shit, I still sound like me.”

  • I never found a convincing Marshall-Modell. No matter, If I tried Line6, Fractal, Zoom, Boss....even free KPA-Rigs. There was just never ever this "Marshall-emphasis" in the Mids that connect me to my JMP2204. The I got the JCM and the JMP-Pack of MBritt and instantly, there it was ...

    Invested in another Britt-Pack and deleted any of the other Rigs. There´s just no need for me. I´m very happy and totally GAS-free, now :)

  • Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

    I've tried out the free MBritt profiles, and they don't really do it for me but neither did the free TopJimi. I'm getting some ok results from the paid TopJimi's as I said, and it would be worth checking the paid MBritt. Studio Mix Berlin may be worth a try also, though IMO he's post processing in his examples. His free Vox AC30 is interesting.

    Keep your favorite Marshall suggestions coming in... ;)

  • So got a chance to check the 800 profiles from Mix Berlin.

    Seems what these guys is doing is giving a 'neutral,' profile for you to tweak to your tastes. TopJimi seems to have been profiled at a sweet spot, and I don't adjust these profiles in anyway. That saves me a lot of time, I'm a player not a tweaker.

    Comparing the Marshalls of both profiles side by side, they have advantages and disadvantages over the other, but for me TopJimi sits in the mix a bit better. MixBerlin has good response to technique though. Tried out with one of my Strats, will check the Les Paul later.

    The free Vox profile by MixBerlin is great, best free profile I've found so far and I'm glad I gave MixBerlin some money.