This is very close to not acceptable...

  • it's fascinating to see 90% of the forum users craving to be part of trial&error experiments, paying full price to bear the heavy cross of software development and all its bug annoyances that should be handled by the company before releasing the product. if this was a product of another kind... allday product like washing machine, car, laptop... you would not do that.
    this is not to insult you at all. you choose to do that and i respect that in every way. :thumbup: it's just fascinating to see... and in a way good, too, because people stand together to make something work. i hope you stick to it so i can someday hopefully buy a flawless, working kpa :D

    I just see this as what happens in computer based gear.
    I am used to beta software, it is just part of the deal.
    The hardware seems to be all set.
    I tend to keep all software up to date, sometimes that can be a problem most most times it keeps me ahead of the curve.
    I think of hardware and software differently, hardware should be released rock solid, software is always a work in progress.
    To use the washing machine as an example, the machine really must be mechanically ready when released but if it has some software based functionality I would expect firmware updates from time to time and even some glitches.
    But being that it is a washing machine and not a creative tool I would also expect it to come out pretty much rock solid.
    Things like the Kemper are artistic tools and made for the adventurous. It is cutting edge tech, there will be bumps and curves in the road. But for me a flat and straight road is not always the road I chose but I can understand those that prefer that road.

  • When you're playing/recording with a piece of gear that's arguably the most exciting/revolutionary piece of 'recording studio' guitar gear released in the last 30/40/50 years, you're quite happy to deal with the little problems that might occur during the first few weeks/months of it's release.

  • the first consumers getting betatester nowaday!

    ... only if the user accepts this. and he obviously does... nowadays. his fault because he is letting him being made a fool of. a company in general always will take the most while giving the least (as does the user/customer). the user defines how far the company can go. modern market as well as ancient market. the modern world just has a better way of communicating if a company has gone too far (see iphone4 antenna or car call-backs).

    Edited 2 times, last by elfredo (March 7, 2012 at 12:07 PM).

  • Dudes.

    Why don't you just return the unit and use other gear if you are not happy with the situation? Why wasting so much time complaining all over the internet? I don't get it.

    Please do not turn this forum into a second Gear Page. Please.

  • Joachim: FWIW Elfredo is consistent with his decision because he actually returned his KPA (even if I think he's only waiting for it to come out from the public beta phase to give it a second try ;) ).

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Agreed

    I do not understand this cant as well. A decade ago, same people were complaining about limts of a specific hardware. Now we got Hardware that allows to be updated by Firmware. And now the people complain again. And if you compare Kemper to others Companies, they are very fast in updates. I had got a Nova effect effect pedal that got - one firmware - update over 2 years and still open issues are there.
    I like to quote "ajs" from the thread "Kemper Team a little 'Green'"

    "If you knew the history of their Virus synth line you'd likely be less concerned about how the KPA is panning out since their track record is to get it right and attract many a 'serious player'.

    All the best


  • nevermind. didn't mean to start a fight. was just amazed and went somewhat philosophical wondering why customers become so forgiving in general nowadays. i just don't like these "the others are even worse" arguments.
    you are great guys and i hope this will be all working soon, so i can productively chime in again to do weird sounds with technology.

  • TO be completely fair it has taken YEARS (literally) for Fractal to get where they are now with their complete system of MFC101 foot controller, AxeEDIT software editor, and work out many bugs. Even with the latest releases of firmware there are still bug reports, although limited, for users.
    I don't think it's fair to completely judge Kemper on the product in it's current incarnation - everyone should be well aware we are still working with a public beta. I know, the pops/clicks suck but I'm not revving back just yet! I will be very interested to see their next firmware release and how things go.
    Also, I would not hold my breath for NEW products coming out so soon... I mean, they just finished ONE WAVE of KPA's to the states and I'm sure they still have users on wait lists for this second wave.
    If you want to be part of the cutting edge you will bleed a little... ;)
    As for the KFC (I LOVE that name, it should stick!) I think I will be waiting for the extra crispy version.