This is very close to not acceptable...

  • Let me first say I am very pleased with the KPA. The way it looks (not too weird for me), the easy user interface and not the least the sound.
    But I think it is a big flaw that it is sold without a lot of functions prepared in the hardware but not working in the software.
    A piece of modeller in this price range should of course have a computer interface and ann editor and not use USB memory stick to transfer files and backups.
    It should not be necessary to boot the KPA everytime you transfer new rigs!
    The Perform mode is still not working and not the network connector either.
    Undo/redo is not working.
    A lot of these functions is described on the Kemper homepage and also in the user manual as if they were already implemented!
    On top of all this the firmwares has a lot of bugs and even if they are BETA versions the last public release was from beginning of this year despite all the lacking features.
    It says on this "Feature requests" "We are known for frequent feature upgrades"

    All together this is very close to not at all acceptable for a "professional modeler" that costs around 1444 EUR.

  • That's why a lot of men hold off and wait for the KPA to come out from the Beta phase and some other men have decided to be part of this development from the beginning. You are making a valid point, Mike, but all of this was known (even only from the pages of this forum). I personally don't see a use for me for the performance mode (with a midi controller is a bit useless, IMHO), I would love to finally have the Undo/Redo, I do not feel the need for a PC editor though a Librarian (including rig transfer WITHOUT re-booting) is on top of my priority list. The "network connector" is not there to post rigs in Facebook but is a Cat5 connector for the upcoming K-Foot Controller (don't call it KFC!!!) :D :D :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Ok I was not aware of the KFC...
    I really love my KPA (at least until my FW 1.05 made a frozen screen....) and I use it every day. Never did before with other guitar pedals/modelers and of course we want to be part of the product development.

    However if you look at the editor for AXE-FX or the editor for TC G-system they are very easy to use not only for editing but for file transfer. You could download a patch to your computer, try it on the modeler thru MIDI connection, without having to transfer it TO the modeler (KPA = thru USB), store it in the memory, reboot and THEN perhaps you realize you do not want it at all. Then you have to delete it in modeler memory.

    What I would appreciate, and I guess many with me, is to see some sort of developement plan/a schedule
    What major developement steps are planned and roughly when will they be implemented.

    I have no idé of the complexity but what I meen is something like:

    Solving 1.05 problem (frozen screen, memory capacity etc) - Mars 2012
    Undo/Redo function - April 2012
    Transfer thru MIDI connection instead of transfer via USB stick - May 2012
    Perform mode - June 2012
    Editor - August 2012

    (I hope some others that could be secrets due to competitors.... :rolleyes: )

    Now we just know "we are working on it"


  • Ha, the Axe editor took them YEARS to come out with and was in beta for the entire year I owned the unit, so I don't really see how that is an example of an ideal business model. That being said, if you wanna be on the cutting edge of technology, you have to bleed a little bit.... :)

  • It's all about sound, everything else is not that important. You pay for certain sounds or a certain soundquality, not for any features, issues, updates or something.
    I find the KPA's price is a very good offer for the sounds you get. :thumbup:

  • It's all about sound, everything else is not that important. You pay for certain sounds or a certain soundquality, not for any features, issues, updates or something.
    I find the KPA's price is a very good offer for the sounds you get. :thumbup:

    Drrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn we have a winner!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I understand the OP's point but for me I went in knowing the deal and am happy to be part of the evolution of the Kemper.
    For me it allows me to learn as I go, when the new stuff comes in I can learn that.
    I am loving the Kemper, it sounds great and is easy to use.

  • ............. they are very easy to use not only for editing but for file transfer. You could download a patch to your computer, try it on the modeler thru MIDI connection, without having to transfer it TO the modeler (KPA = thru USB), store it in the memory, reboot and THEN perhaps you realize you do not want it at all. Then you have to delete it in modeler memory.

    I have asked for editor and librarian, from the first days of this forum. I hope that CK listen to us, and give us something soon.

  • Kpa certainly is a work in progress it seems For me personally I am ok with putting up with slight annoyances and not a fully realized product cause for me and what I am using it for. It is working great. I can see how it isn't ready yet for some people and their needs. And that is a personal choice. I am glad it came to market when it dd. perfect time for me personally. But some valid concerns. I am with growing with Kemper at this point. Others may not be in that position

  • it's fascinating to see 90% of the forum users craving to be part of trial&error experiments, paying full price to bear the heavy cross of software development and all its bug annoyances that should be handled by the company before releasing the product. if this was a product of another kind... allday product like washing machine, car, laptop... you would not do that.
    this is not to insult you at all. you choose to do that and i respect that in every way. :thumbup: it's just fascinating to see... and in a way good, too, because people stand together to make something work. i hope you stick to it so i can someday hopefully buy a flawless, working kpa :D

  • For me it is absolutely okay to accept that the KPA is still under development.
    But what we should not forget: We here in the forum are in the forum because we might be part of the development process. Also, i think we all are the very, very early adaptors of this new technology.

    I don´t know how many units have been sold. But there might be hundreds and hundreds of "average" users. They just want the product and they want it to function.

    For those guys all the missing features or the system crashes are annoying. Understandably annoying - and very close to inacceptable.

    it is unwise from Kemper that funcionalities are promoted on the website or in the manual but are not included in the unit for now. The buyer will have the feeling of paying the full price but only getting 85% of the goods.

    it´s like your buying a new car and it is rolling and the engine is working. But from time to time your wheels fell off or your radio is not working, although it was promised to you.

    This is just not acceptable.

    Again, to me the devlopment process is prefectly fine. But i totally understand everybody who is annoyed from this.

    Edit: Elfredo just made the same point... i totally agree with that.