M Britt Profiles what am i doing wrong?

  • Rear of Kemper has a ground lift.
    Tried it?

    Yes, I have tried that, but thanks for the suggestion, the ground lift did nothing in my case. I think it's my house wiring... even my playroom has some hum, though less than my music studio.

    @Gary_W - thanks for the suggestions. I really do like a lot of the MBritt profiles too, and I'd use more live if I could cure the hum, which is obviously my house's problem, and not his profiles. I mention him more because that's where this thread got it's beginning. There are some profiles I use more than his, partly because the tone matches my tastes better, and some because the hum is easier to eliminate.

    The left wall of my music studio I've had examined by an electrician and he says he sees an obvious problem in the original construction there, but he'd have to rip off an entire wall or two to tackle it. So I've been plugging into the right wall naturally. Much cleaner... but... still quite a hum. (You should have heard the left side hum!) The playroom knocks out about 3/4 of the hum, but if I make adjustments to suit that particular room, what happens at a club where I don't know anything about the potential hum issues? The hum could be worse, could be better. I might have to 'gate' it all over again.Hmm... stuck on whether to change anything at all.

    A new audio interface isn't really my issue because I'm just trying to play through the amp and my cab (set to off) at the moment, never mind PTools. No, no fluorescent lights in this part of the house... The computer - I'll have to give that a look see... thanks for that tip.

    @nightlight - dodgy for sure mate!! Yes, everything appears to be grounded. Grounded and dodgy, like me :S

    Gary ô¿ô

  • ... what happens at a club where I don't know anything about the potential hum issues? The hum could be worse, could be better. I might have to 'gate' it all over again.Hmm... stuck on whether to change anything at all.

    Any club that has an issue would fix it, you'd think, Gary.

    Acts wouldn't want to play there otherwise.

  • Stuff like that gets around. Surely the venue wouldn't last long unless something was done about it?

    Either way, it'd be the exception rather than the norm, and something every band would equally have to deal with in venues where it's evident.

    IMHO, cases such as these where you need a "blanket", temporary setting, are perfect for tackling with the non-stomp "smart" gate in the input section.

  • I must say - I bought M Britt's Mar 800 set just now and played the crap out of it, plus some of Guido and Bert's profiles, in my playroom. They were clean!! OMG I've been set up in the wrong room all this time.

    Damn, this means much better sound and many hours to taste test and fine tune profiles I had given up on long ago, how sweet it is, Ralphie!!!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Very true my brother, very true.

    @lonestargtr - I'm loving your 800 series I just bought, don't feel any 'thin' sound at all. I'm sure many will make it into my performance lists, despite, or rather because of the 'hum' issues mentioned above in case you read any of that part of the thread. Since I've cured it, your profiles sound pure and silky and I am grateful and really rocking out to them.

    Thank you for your expertise! I hope you've recovered from your surgery well. I have another Monday... (back). Cheers!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Very true my brother, very true.

    @lonestargtr - I'm loving your 800 series I just bought, don't feel any 'thin' sound at all. I'm sure many will make it into my performance lists, despite, or rather because of the 'hum' issues mentioned above in case you read any of that part of the thread. Since I've cured it, your profiles sound pure and silky and I am grateful and really rocking out to them.

    Thank you for your expertise! I hope you've recovered from your surgery well. I have another Monday... (back). Cheers!

    Appendix all healed. Thanks! Glad your hum is cured! Rock on!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • @prsgary i’ve been thinking about your hum issues some more. I know this is a long shot but do you have a auSB cable running from your computer to the KPA when set up in practice room (ie for using rig manager)? Ivenot had a problem with this on the Kemper but if I have my old pedalboard/amp setup running and I connect the USB to my RJM Mastermind PBC to use its editor I get a ground loop via the USB cable. It’s probably not your issues but on the off chance it is , it is a very easy fix -unplug the USB or get an isolated cable/adaptor/hub no need to decamp to another room.


    As @Monkey_Man pointed out, we have kind of hyjacked the original thread and drifted way of topic. I wonder if the mods could move the posts about your hum issue to a new thread as they may help others but would be difficult to find in this thread.


  • We were talking about when we browse / audition Rigs, Gary. You simply cannot properly judge new acquisitions if they're smothered in hot sauce.
    I choose to dispense with FX altogether 'cause I'm old school when it comes to recording, but I'm sure some of those who browse sans-FX do in fact add them in later once they've settled on what to keep and use.

    IOW, I see no hypocrisy here. My guess is that your hum issue was frustrating you to the point that a tiny bit of said emotion "leaked".

    That’s exactly how I use it. I want to make sure the basic amp profile is good on its own so audition with effects off. However, once I have an amp ikm happy with I will add any effects I need. Basically I’m really a guitar>cable>amp kind of guy so I don’t use a lot of FX but might add a tiny touch of reverb and/or delay here and there or maybe a mild chorus on cleans.

  • @Wheresthedug no, I'm not even using Rig Manager, as communications between it and the Kemper don't appear to be in sync, so no, there's no computer to Kemper cable whatsoever. Thanks for continuing to try to fix and analyze my problems (perhaps now under control).

    I don't really think this is so 'off-topic' as all that - it directly relates to the original post - why someone wouldn't be crazy about M Britt profiles, in my case it being a hum issue which through intelligent knocking of some very gifted heads has uncovered a reason which has brought new life to these profiles, at least in this one perhaps isolated case. That seems perfectly relevant to me, though we can certainly now leave that discussion out of it and get back to more general commentary. That's just my opinion of course.

    Thanks to all who've been immensely helpful, which is I would think, another goal of this forum in general. What a wonderful community we have!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • As @Monkey_Man pointed out, we have kind of hyjacked the original thread and drifted way of topic.

    Actually, I don't do that stuff anymore, Alan.

    I copped some flak from a dude publicly a couple o' months ago for doing that sort of thing and decided there and then that seeing as my efforts were misjudged that I'd no longer be the sucker who tries to keep us out of trouble. I said this publicly and will abide by my commitment. I don't need the heat.

    Thankfully, another "volunteer" has already stepped up to the plate twice today; I wish him luck... lots of it.


    Gary makes a good point regarding the relevance of the hum issue, IMHO. It was after all to blame for his having initially dismissed some of Michael's Profiles. Way to go, Gazza!


  • I think that the MBrit profiles are very cleanly done and, if you’ve got an airborne interference thing, this can actually make it worse!

    When I had issues, there were some profiles out there (commercial and freebies) that had good old fashioned hum and shooshy noise going on. Whilst annoying, this actually masked some of the computer chatter and crap that were going on for me at the time. With the cleaner, even-spectrum profiles the issues I had were a bit more noticeable as you could hear ‘your noise’ to a greater extent than the noise you could just put down to the profile. Not sure if this makes sense but I know what I mean :)

    Interesting earlier in the thread that someone mentioned the Dr Z official pack as something they loved besides the MBritts. Guilty here too. The profiles I’ve graduated towards over the last couple of years have all been the MBritts but now also liking the Dr Z and I’m enjoying the Selah Sounds output a great deal. My reason for enjoying them is they share common ground with the MBrit. So, if the OP isn’t enjoying the Britt Profiles he should probably avoid these too but for everyone who is a fan, that’s another two to check out if you haven’t already :)

  • Insightful, Gary.

    FWIMBW, I think the "unmasking" of the other, more-minor interference issues in your setup could only be a good thing. Kinda like adding a coarse-medium filter to your fish tank 'cause you can't see from one end to the other and then, once the water's "clear", realising that it could use some "polishing", requiring finer-medium filtration.

    You're chipping away at it, effectively; squeaky wheel gets the oil first and so on.

  • When people used to ask me what's your sign? I would always tell them Neon because of the nasty bars I played at.
    Hum was always a problem. This thing actually works and if a band mate needs help he can run through it too.
    All I need is a gun and a knife and this thing.

    I run the Toaster thru this in stereo and out into a pair of powered monitors. No Hum.

  • I am using a Fuhrman "power conditioner" (which may just be a glorified power strip in this case) and as soon as I leave my playroom, that hiss is the dominating sound I hear. Really obnoxious. The playroom itself HAS fluorescent bulbs and that's where the hum goes away! I'll try shutting down the computer next.

    Can someone give recommendations for better power conditioners that control hum? The electrician thing just isn't going to happen.

    Nicky, yes it's been too long! Back issues plague me, but I don't really think frustration fueled my comments. It's all good, well, except for the hum that is. Whether or not people dispense profiles with or without FX is up to them. I happen to like them, especially mild delay which to me sweetens the sound quite a lot. It's no big deal to add what I like, so no sweat there.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Power conditioners maintain consistent power. They have no effect on Hum.

    Others have said they can have an effect, and the ads for the Fuhrman rack conditioners (not the model I have) all point to noise 'filtration' as one of their hallmarks. Glad to see the EBTECH works well for you. I tried their mini a couple of years ago and noticed no difference, though it could be just my 'dodgy' house wiring to blame.

    Mods, please be patient - this directly relates to enjoying profiles and the title of this thread. I tried one profile from DJEMASS (I use several of his, thank you Gerald!) and needed no noise gate whatsoever. How odd the variations, at least in my personal experience. The experiments continue on.

    Gary ô¿ô