Whats the best way to clean up my profiles on the KPA?

  • I have backups of the entire system as well as my rigs. What I am looking to do is get rid of all the junk rigs and just re-upload just my favorites. I am using this rig live and have MIDI commands associated with certain rigs so I do not want to loose these in the process.

    Any tips or suggestions?


  • 1) Create a USB backup of your rig - and if you want to be fault-tolerant about it, Export your rigs to USB as well.
    2) Download IZArc (Windows) and open up your .kpbackup file as a UNIX tarball. Delete all the rigs and/or cabs in it and save.
    3) Restore your KPA from the .kpbackup you just created. After rebooting, all your rigs will be gone.
    4) Import from USB only the rigs/cabs you care about. If you later decide you wish to blow these away and start fresh, you can just restore from the .kpbackup again.


  • In essence you are restoring a Blank KPA backup? Will this effect any of the stomps/FX or anything like that?
    I might want to do this but there are some profiles that came stock with the KPA that I haven't even tweaked or tested yet. I think I will just delete manually until they build a nice software editor.