Profiling AMP Direct Profile with disconnected cable

  • Hey guys,

    I'm using Kemper DI box, Is it possible to do a Direct Profile on a very loud AMP with a disconnected cable (to cabinet output ) during the profiling session ?

    If no the other option is put a blanket on the cab ? :/

  • No, you will need a box that can handle the speaker load. Companies such as Radial, Rivera, Palmer , Mesa Boogie make products that will work. Check the rating they work with and your amp rating.

    Kemper does not recommend using them as you do not get the proper reaction from them. I have not tried this with my Kemper, perhaps someone else can chime in.

    Also make sure your DI box can handle the power from your head.

    Wrong components can damage your components, can be a costly way to learn.

  • Hey guys,

    I'm using Kemper DI box, Is it possible to do a Direct Profile on a very loud AMP with a disconnected cable (to cabinet output ) during the profiling session ?

    If no the other option is put a blanket on the cab ? :/

    Hello @mars2555,

    Assuming you are profiling a tube amplifier, then by design, the amplifier absolutely needs to be connected to a suitable load, or it will be damaged.

    The Kemper DI Box is not a load box. You will either need to continue to connect your Amp and DI Box to your speaker cabinet, or you will need to acquire a suitable load box, which will ensure your amplifier is connected to a "dummy" load. In this case, instead of transforming the signal power into acoustical energy, the load box will dissipate the energy as heat (no sound).

    There are a bunch of popular load boxes available on the market. The ones that produce a more pleasing result, for DI recording, emulates the dynamic impedance relationship between a typical guitar speaker and the amplifier's output section. These would be Reactive Load boxes. However, a less expensive solution would be a simple Resistive Load Box.

    Two examples of highly regarded Reactive Load boxes are the Suhr Reactive Load, and the Two Notes Torpedo Captor.

    So, if you are trying to make a profile but are constrained by noise limitations, you should look into a Load Box.
