Cab Sims on/off effecting sound when disabled on the monitor output....strange..

  • When I disable the preamp of a profile. (Front button)
    And monitor through monitor out.
    With the cabs global disabled on that output...(checkbox in the output section)

    I hear a clear difference between switching the cabs on and off on the front...there shouldnt be cause they are disabled it the output section)

    Can anyone try to reproduce this on their device please? designed or a failure in my device / os.

    Edit: with the amp section on..this phenomena does not occur btw..
    Edit, occurs in performance mode...didnt try the other..

  • Hi,

    I'm not totally sure if I fully understand your question but here is a little experiment I tried recently for what I think is a similar situation to the one you are referring to. Basically I got absolutely zero difference between both methods. As the phone audio isn't sufficient to really hear I did a short audio only clip on Soundcloud where I recorded and reamped a little loop and just toggled back and forward between the two options at random.

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  • I could be wrong but this is most likely due to the cab section never really being off on studio profiles or something.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I think the input and output settings are set per mode - ie. if you disable monitor cab in browser mode, it will NOT be reflected in performance mode. Might this be the issue?

    Nope..thats not it.

    Maybe somebody can try to reproduce?
    Disable amp section, disable cabs on monitor output...then switch cabs on and off of the profile to compare.

  • Hi,

    I'm not totally sure if I fully understand your question but here is a little experiment I tried recently for what I think is a similar situation to the one you are referring to. Basically I got absolutely zero difference between both methods. As the phone audio isn't sufficient to really hear I did a short audio only clip on Soundcloud where I recorded and reamped a little loop and just toggled back and forward between the two options at random.

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    thanx for putting your time in this.

    Turn the amplifier section off to reproduce it.

  • OK, I just tried it with the Amp block disabled. You are right there is a difference in the sound. However, I'm not sure when I would ever use the KPA with the amp off as that's the whole point for me. Even when using it for acoustic guitar I still have the amp on even though cab is off. I use the Bert Meulendijk acoustic profiles of various mic pres etc which use the amp block so it would probably never be a problem for me.

  • OK, I just tried it with the Amp block disabled. You are right there is a difference in the sound. However, I'm not sure when I would ever use the KPA with the amp off as that's the whole point for me. Even when using it for acoustic guitar I still have the amp on even though cab is off. I use the Bert Meulendijk acoustic profiles of various mic pres etc which use the amp block so it would probably never be a problem for me.

    Youre right..its not a very big least something you can work around...nevertheless...does seem like an unintended feature which keeps me wondering in what scenario im hearing dry guitar signal + effects only.
    Thnx for confirming it....I was worried mine had a (non designed) defect.