Anyone on here with experience using FRFR powered speakers with e-drums

  • Hey all,

    My old man plays e-drums (which I despise, I was a drummer before i started guitar ^^ ) and he currently runs the whole thing through a P.A sitting behind him on stage.

    This P.A consists of subs and tops that are extremely dated and weigh a ton, he is 60 and lugging that around isn't going to do him any good! We mainly play small pub gigs and so when stage space is at a premium its not ideal for him to have a full P.A plus a small powered mixer on stage as well as two guitarists, bass player and a singer.

    What i'm thinking is maybe a pair of DXR15's or something similar on the stage either side of him would reduce his overall footprint and still give him the sound he want's.

    To clarify he uses triggers on a 9 piece acoustic kit with mesh heads on it, so its not like its a small frame Roland drum kit! :|


  • The DXR15s will be excellent. Go for it.

  • @nightlight

    Thanks for the reply buddy!

    I know the DXR 15's will give a lot of low end being a 15' cone but do they move a lot of air? He wants that real low punchy sub sound that makes your organs shake! Normally you would have dedicated subs for this but I personally think the DXR's will be more than low and punchy enough to do that but can they achieve that sub kick sound without the need for dedicated sub bins?


  • @nightlight

    Thanks for the reply buddy!

    I know the DXR 15's will give a lot of low end being a 15' cone but do they move a lot of air? He wants that real low punchy sub sound that makes your organs shake! Normally you would have dedicated subs for this but I personally think the DXR's will be more than low and punchy enough to do that but can they achieve that sub kick sound without the need for dedicated sub bins?


    I suggest taking your dad along and auditioning a few speakers. What's good for me may not be good for him. Look at large diaphragm speakers, kick drums go very low and move quite a lot of air. 12" might do, but if he really wants some depth to the kick, go for a 15" one.

  • I suggest taking your dad along and auditioning a few speakers. What's good for me may not be good for him. Look at large diaphragm speakers, kick drums go very low and move quite a lot of air. 12" might do, but if he really wants some depth to the kick, go for a 15" one.

    Yeah i agree with you on the 15 inch cone, we don't have anywhere we can really go and audition speakers to be honest so its kinda hard! but i do think a 15 inch powered speaker will be more than punchy enough when playing drums through them.