Problems with a Macbook pro any ideas?

  • Hey guys!

    I love the fact that my "cry for help" thread turned in to you two reminiscing about old hardware/software!

    Definitely shows the level of experience you two can offer!

    I got it working! It was a long process as i'm learning as i go, like i said before i have never dabbled with Mac and so i had a lot to learn! I ended up installing the new drive and getting a copy of OSX Yosemite on a flash drive to install on it, but when i booted the mac up it couldn't see the drive and flashed up a folder with a question mark which i found out means it cant find the boot disk which makes sense. It turns out the Original drive was not permanently damaged and i managed to get the OS installed on that first and then install the OS on to the second drive through USB after formatting it. I didn't have a hard drive enclosure to put the new drive in but i did have an external drive not currently being used so i popped open the casing and used it like a HDD enclosure and it did the trick.

    The Mac is running now but i have a feeling it still needs the RAM upgrading as my dad purchased SD3 yesterday and with only SD3 open it is using 3.48gb of the available 4gb of RAM!

    The max this particular model macbook pro can take is 8gb of 1066mhz DDR3 8500 204pin RAM so im in the market for that now but considering how old this ram is it isn't cheap!

    I have found some online but for two 4gb sticks from amazon its around £75 so that's the next thing on the shopping list!

    Thanks again for all your help guys!

  • @Monkey_Man i knew it would be unlikely that the HDD was completely un-repairable but it was corrupted to the point that the quickest fix was deleting the contents and putting a new os on it, you would really have to screw with a HDD to do physical damage to it!

    I am so glad i have it running now as it means i can make the most of the KPA! Believe it or not since owning the KPA i haven't owned a PC or laptop so i have not been able to add new profiles to it or properly make use of it for any recording. I am now going to focus on honing my recording skills as its the one side of music i have never really had the opportunity to play around with as i have always been a gigging musician.

    I will inevitably have more questions for you guys in the future! :D

  • Good recovery @MOCMunkeh
    Persistence pays off with these things. Macs are pretty resilient and while you can do a lot with 4 Gig, the more the merrier.

    (Yes, me and @Monkey_Man had a lot of fun and demonstrated just how old I am haha!)

    Not too old though because I'm just about to pull out my motorcycle and head off for a couple of weeks who know where south, as long as it is warmer than where I am now! No more Macs, guitars or KPA's for a little while.)

  • @Gizmo When you started mentioning stuff from the 80's it shows what a wealth of knowledge the two of you posses! I was born in 92'. :D

    Have fun on your bike though sounds like fun! I wish i could do the same but i don't have a bike and it doesn't matter what direction you head in the UK it's always raining! :D

  • @Gizmo When you started mentioning stuff from the 80's it shows what a wealth of knowledge the two of you posses! I was born in 92'. :D

    Have fun on your bike though sounds like fun! I wish i could do the same but i don't have a bike and it doesn't matter what direction you head in the UK it's always raining! :D

    I sure know what you mean. I lived in the UK north west until I was 30. For most of my teenage years my only transport was a motorcycle. Funny thing is I don't recall minding too much about getting wet. Beats the hell out of having to store my bike from November to May every year because of snow and ice storms
    1992 eh.
    You just made me feel like my dad haha