newbie legalities and ethics question

  • Sorry if this has been covered before, but I did a search but didn't find my answer. Probably user error (sorry).

    Anyhow, I've profiled some bass amp plugins from a kind of expensive powered plugin company. I basically profiled all the presets that came with the plugins as sort of a half baked backup if my DSP card decides to quit. I'm happy to upload them all to Rig Exchange, but is it ethical/legal? All I did was connect the KPA to my interface and click through presets.

    I've noticed that a lot of people are coming up with pseudo names for profiles to avoid legal issues? Or is that overkill? Anybody ever get in trouble for doing something like this?

    I guess that's like a bunch of questions, not just one. Thanks in advance, and being gentle with my dumb newbie questions ^^

  • Lets say you created a good selling product and feed your family with this income.
    Now somebody copies your product, names it the same and offers it for a lower price.
    Consumers don´t buy your product anymore but the cheaper copy.
    What are you going to do with this? Leave it or press charges?

  • Lets say you created a good selling product and feed your family with this income.
    Now somebody copies your product, names it the same and offers it for a lower price.
    Consumers don´t buy your product anymore but the cheaper copy.
    What are you going to do with this? Leave it or press charges?

    Thanks for your reply!

    In this case it would be not be just cheaper, but free. But here's the thing: with the KPA profile all they get is the preset. They don't get the unique tone shaping abilities of the plugin. Just like a profile of a real amp. It might even serve as an advertisement for someone to buy the plugin?

    Hmmm... I don't have all the answers, hence the question.

  • Sorry if this has been covered before, but I did a search but didn't find my answer. Probably user error (sorry).

    Anyhow, I've profiled some bass amp plugins from a kind of expensive powered plugin company. I basically profiled all the presets that came with the plugins as sort of a half baked backup if my DSP card decides to quit. I'm happy to upload them all to Rig Exchange, but is it ethical/legal? All I did was connect the KPA to my interface and click through presets.

    I've noticed that a lot of people are coming up with pseudo names for profiles to avoid legal issues? Or is that overkill? Anybody ever get in trouble for doing something like this?

    I guess that's like a bunch of questions, not just one. Thanks in advance, and being gentle with my dumb newbie questions ^^

    People have profiled Ax FX and Helix. As long as you are sharing the Kemper profiles and not the actual plugins, it should be fine. I think that people putting profiles on the exchange are in less jeopardy than those selling them, using the real name, but if you feel safer changing the names then that is fine as well. There aren't nearly as many bass profiles as guitar profiles, so I'm sure many people would appreciate it.