MIDI Switching w/ Overdrive Pedals + BigSky Reverb

  • Hello! I’m new here and new to Kemper! So I’m sorry if this scenario has already been described. But can someone tell me if this will work the way I think it will:

    Only have the Kemper Remote w/ expression pedal in front of me during gigs but have access to analog overdrives and use my BigSky for verbs.


    1) Put analog overdrive pedals on a rack drawer.
    2) Use something like the Voodoo Lab HEX to hook up to my 4-6 overdrives
    3) Run overdrives (HEX output) into the main input of the Kemper
    4) Use the Remote to send PC messages on channel 1 to the HEX during performances to toggle overdrives on/off in different combinations. (I’d set up the HEX with a whole bunch of different overdrive stacking combinations triggered by different PCs)
    5) Put the BigSky in the Stereo FX loop and assign it to slot X when desired.
    6) Use the MIDI out on the Hex to send to my BigSky on channel 2.
    7) Use the Remote to also send PC messages on channel 2 to the BigSky for different patches.

    Am I missing anything? Would I have to connect the BigSky to the MIDI Thru on the Kemper or is it fine to simply daisy chain it with the HEX from the MIDI Out on the Kemper? Any other simple MIDI switcher I can use for this or is the HEX the simplest and cheapest way to accomplish this?

    Thanks for your help!

    :thumbup: Guitar > Kemper > FOH :thumbup:

  • Good call. It appears it will pass along incoming MIDI messages According to the HEX’s manual:

    MIDI OUT. Echoes commands from MIDI IN for chaining additional MIDI devices.

    HEX will respond to MIDI commands to recall preset combinations of all 6 loops, or turn individual loops on and off. You can use any device capable of sending MIDI program change or control change messages.

    Connect a standard 5-pin MIDI cable from your controller’s MIDI out to HEX’s MIDI IN. If you have additional MIDI devices, connect another MIDI cable from HEX’s MIDI OUT to the MIDI in of your next device.”

    I also own a MIDI Soultions Thru box so I possibly could use that as well to split and duplicate the MIDI signal before it hits the HEX if necessary

    :thumbup: Guitar > Kemper > FOH :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by devanbumstead (March 5, 2018 at 11:09 PM).