Midi Driving me Crazy

  • Hi Guys

    I'm trying to control my Kemper from Logic Pro X.

    I have read the manual but having know joy. I purchased a M-Audio Uno interface and connected it has instructed. The interface is receiving midi messages indicated by the lights flashing.

    I got the midi numbers from the manual , at the moment I'm trying to get stomp A to turn on/off. The manual states this is Number 17. Kemper does nothing.

    How do I know if the Kemper is sending receiving midi messages?

    This is driving me crazy. lol

    I have watched this video and followed it to the letter.

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    Any advice would be cool


    2 x Folreden Relic Strats - Folreden Les Paul - Kemper Stage - Cubase Pro13 - Suhr Classic S

  • Make sure your sending the Number on the right Midi channel the Midi out channel on
    Logic must be the same as the Midi in on Kemper, or you set both units to Midi Omni
    then they send and receive on all 16 Channels
    Midi out from Logic must be Midi in on KPA

  • Make sure your sending the Number on the right Midi channel the Midi out channel on
    Logic must be the same as the Midi in on Kemper, or you set both units to Midi Omni
    then they send and receive on all 16 Channels
    Midi out from Logic must be Midi in on KPA

    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    Ill give what you say ago later hope that works.

    Is a midi program change the same thing as a midi #CC ?

    Thanks again.

    2 x Folreden Relic Strats - Folreden Les Paul - Kemper Stage - Cubase Pro13 - Suhr Classic S

  • If you want use CC# you must to send for example.
    CC 50 /0 off
    CC 50 /1 on
    PC only 50 and it will change only patch.
    Sorry for my english.

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  • A MIDI Program Change (PC) message is not the same as a Continuous Controller (CC) message.

    PC messages are used to select Rigs or Performance Slots.

    It's really easy to get confused about that, BTW. It took me an afternoon of beating my head against the desk and reading the MIDI implementation section of the Kemper reference manual at least twice to get my head around the difference between a PC and a CC in MIDI.

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