Another Midi'ot with problems

  • Hi Guys!

    Just got VoodooLab Ground Control today and programmed it for use with my KPA. PC's just work straight away, but when trying to set up the CC's for using the 2 upper switch rows for putting the Stomps On/Off, I got the following problem:

    1.) Switching first time on one switch for Stomp Box nothing happens on the KPA (only light on the Ground Control switches on)
    2.) Switching second time on the same switch for Stomp Box on the KPA (only light on the Ground Control switches off)
    3.) Switching another time on the same switch finally the Stomp Box jumps "On" and switching it another time it jumps "Off", as expected.

    Funny thing is, sometimes it work in one Rig normally with the first step on the Stomp and sometimes not. Also it is sometimes not working on the 4 Blocks A, B, C, D - but sometimes works. ?( Also it never works on the Delay and Reverb Stomp and I have to switch 3 Times to turn this Stomps on! Pretty annoying for Live usage... ?(

    Any one with the same Midiboard and/or problem using the KPA with midi footswitch???

    I have rehearsals with my band today and this is just a small problem but still annoying in any sense! :wacko::thumbdown:

    Cheers, Christian

  • You have at the moment only 1 way midi communication, so the pedalboard cannot pick up what the status of the stomps and fx is in the rig, so it alternate status (on/off) 'till it matches. Hope they are going to update it soon.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Ahhhh... Thanks guitarnet70!

    So it's not me to stupid for this ballgame... :D Still its annoying and hope this will be fixed soon

    PLEASE MR KEMPER - make it happen soon!!!

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  • You have at the moment only 1 way midi communication, so the pedalboard cannot pick up what the status of the stomps and fx is in the rig, so it alternate status (on/off) 'till it matches. Hope they are going to update it soon.

    I'm using a simple double footswitch (Framus FR S2 L) with a 1/4" stereo connector for changing rigs up and down, no MIDI involved. I need to step twice for the rig to actually change, too. Do you know if this is related?

  • I'm using a simple double footswitch (Framus FR S2 L) with a 1/4" stereo connector for changing rigs up and down, no MIDI involved. I need to step twice for the rig to actually change, too. Do you know if this is related?

    Nope, my FS-6 dual switch works like a charm....wait a moment, your one is a latch mode switch, you need a temporary switch for the Kemper.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Nope, my FS-6 dual switch works like a charm....wait a moment, your one is a latch mode switch, you need a temporary switch for the Kemper.

    Thank you for clearing that up. A pity, but I'll try to cope with the "double-click" thing until I decide if I want to go MIDI.

  • I have the same issue with my Gordius Little Giant footcontroller and a java-based computer MIDI Controller.
    So its obviously a bug in the KPA. A support ticket is opened.
    In my case I had to switch off the stomps and save the rig. Switch on the stomps as wanted and save the rig again.
    Hope that works for you, too.

  • I have the same issue with my Gordius Little Giant footcontroller and a java-based computer MIDI Controller.
    So its obviously a bug in the KPA. A support ticket is opened.
    In my case I had to switch off the stomps and save the rig. Switch on the stomps as wanted and save the rig again.
    Hope that works for you, too.

    Hi Snakepit! Thats a good hint... I'm going to try it tomorrow and let you know if this works for me, too. Just arrived back from rehearsals... Damn, the KPA is fuxxing awesome sound wise and I have been coming around this bug pretty well while enjoying this unbelievable sound wall that came from the speakers today!!! :love::love::love::love:
    Good night ya'll Kemper brothers! 8):D