Well...Finally got a Kemper after months of research..And...Not so good

  • I disagree. In my opinion, there are countless profiles which sound exceptionally good through a guitar cab. I think it's simply that you don't have your Profiler set up correctly.What output settings are you using for Monitor Volume?

    Just checking to make sure I have my profiler set up properly...
    If you could clarify what you mean, it would be of great help! Thank you so much, :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (December 24, 2017 at 9:53 PM).

  • I had the Kemper power head twice - I could not get it to sound good through my guitar cabinets. I now have a boss katana head which sounds fantastic through my guitar cabs. I know no one will believe me but it does. I think it has to be the power amp in the kemper- that's the week link IMHO the kemper power amp is designed to be flat like a hifi amp - the katana power amp is more tube like, it sounds more alive and punchy in your face. The louder I turned up my kemper ( all 600 watts ) the worse it sounded. I want the kemper to be the total deal - I have a tone of tube amps that I love but I would love kemper to take over- I sent kemper an email about the power amp they use - but what do I know- I hope they look into it.

  • I had the Kemper power head twice - I could not get it to sound good through my guitar cabinets. I now have a boss katana head which sounds fantastic through my guitar cabs. I know no one will believe me but it does. I think it has to be the power amp in the kemper- that's the week link IMHO the kemper power amp is designed to be flat like a hifi amp - the katana power amp is more tube like, it sounds more alive and punchy in your face. The louder I turned up my kemper ( all 600 watts ) the worse it sounded. I want the kemper to be the total deal - I have a tone of tube amps that I love but I would love kemper to take over- I sent kemper an email about the power amp they use - but what do I know- I hope they look into it.

    I have felt your pain for five months… and I’m told I have Kemper not set up properly… And the Katana sounds great through cabinets? How much is a Katana? 400 bucks? Oh my gosh… That hurts…4K investment. ?(

    Edited 2 times, last by SQUAREHEAD (December 25, 2017 at 4:44 AM).

  • I had the Kemper power head twice - I could not get it to sound good through my guitar cabinets. I now have a boss katana head which sounds fantastic through my guitar cabs. I know no one will believe me but it does. I think it has to be the power amp in the kemper- that's the week link IMHO the kemper power amp is designed to be flat like a hifi amp - the katana power amp is more tube like, it sounds more alive and punchy in your face. The louder I turned up my kemper ( all 600 watts ) the worse it sounded. I want the kemper to be the total deal - I have a tone of tube amps that I love but I would love kemper to take over- I sent kemper an email about the power amp they use - but what do I know- I hope they look into it.

    I do find the kemper power to be kinda "boring" so I make extra sure that my profiles are dialed in when it's cranked loud, monitor output -6 or 9 db to -4 or 1 db

    @300 watts

  • I'd say there is a bit of " the emperor's new clothes " effect to the kemper . [ those who couldn't see the invisible robe must surely be too stupid or incompetent! ]
    So far I find mine to be mostly really good on headphones or studio monitors , but the more you deviate from the profile, and you need to happy with whatever profile you pick
    right off the bat, the more generic or homogenized it gets. It's the same eq applied to every profile? so thats not indicative of the amp you are trying to use, but allot of these
    applied after settings do contribute to profiles sounding , slick & powerful [ as if they all got mastered at the same place ] I have not tried mine live or into an amp / speaker yet
    Are they capable of great sounds ? that's proven, are they the best at everything ? well what is ? Just cause Joe X pro uses one doesn't mean I have to like it , I do but not all of it!
    [ you really can't deviate much on the gain knob before you give up the sound ]

    just hooked up the morph feature, Love that! read a bit about the parallel feature [ splits off after a couple of the stomps ? ] Is there a way of getting two profiles out at the same time ?

  • Hey Elvis, what do you mean by those numbers?
    (monitor output -6 or 9 db to -4 or 1 db)
    Sorry I’m a little slow… :sleeping:

    those are what I set my powered monitor output to.

    It's damn near maxed out and I've also done that before also. My point was that when is comes to using the power head or rack with a guitar cab; crank that shit up my dude!

  • OK, thanks Elvis… Unfortunately I find the sweet spot to be around -15 to -18 DB… It gets worse, not better, louder than that…
    And this is not at all quiet volume, it’s right around 100 DB in the room. If I go much quieter than that it also sounds worse… This level is where I find 80 percent closeness to a real tube amplifier thru 4x12 cabs…
    I don’t know how you can enjoy or even stand playing at -6 DB… I tried that for about 45 seconds… ;(:wacko: !!!

  • I really hope you find a way to get great sounds out of your KPA. Maybe it's broken or something. If it just isn't your thing I highly suggest selling it or returning it if not too late and investing in more traditional gear.

    Either way, nothing you can type changes the great results and comments that I've received since I've been using mine. That's why people like me get defensive when people are hugely critical about it and start to question people's capabilities or motives. It's the Internet, so there are likely to be competitors here, which also keeps me cautious.

    I wish you all the best in your tone quest. :)

  • If you’re happy with the KPA why are you defensive? So long as you’re happy I don’t see why you need to validate your satisfaction through how content others are and indeed question their sincerity if they feel any less.

  • The problem is: feedback in the internet is valuable but often way to vague because one never knows the background of the tester. Sometimes it's an user fail, sometimes it's just taste and sometimes even trolls.

    No offense, but if the KPA "does not give something" to anyone, I won't try to change his or her opinion. There are things many like and I don't ... so what.

    I think its up to the OP to evaluate if it is his or her mistake or if he or she just does not like the unit for any reason. This thread seems like the last try to get help to grow in using the KPA. I am gigging the KPA regularly since 1 year with my own profiles and 3rd party ones and I am not even scratching the surface.

  • If you’re happy with the KPA why are you defensive? So long as you’re happy I don’t see why you need to validate your satisfaction through how content others are and indeed question their sincerity if they feel any less.

    It's human nature to defend a person or thing that you think is being unfairly criticised. I broke my own rule by getting involved in a thread like this.

  • Finally, I can totally appreciate your passion, brother! I am certainly not on this forum to start anything.
    My experience with my KPA powered unit in live gigging situations has been nothing short of stellar! The tones I get through most every PA I have used are just simply tremendous, much much much better than even the tones I was getting with real amplifiers / microphones and cabinets!
    The only area that I am struggling with is using it with guitar cabinets, and to be blunt, it Is extremely discouraging, frustrating and disheartening when someone tells me ‘you don’t have it set up properly’ and they don’t explain / clarify anything from there or respond to my questions. Horspip posts this statement and disappears…Lame.
    I am only five months into this, so I admit, I am relatively new, and I am all ears for anything I am doing wrong and I am not too proud to admit when I am doing something wrong… like I mentioned before, I hope I am doing something wrong and that I will finally figure it out!
    I appreciate this forum and I have a few friends who know me here, hopefully well enough to know that I have ‘no dog in the race’ or agenda… I just want this thing to work perfectly!
    Cheers guys, Merry Christmas! We are all just searching for that perfect tone, some of us have achieved it and some of us are struggling a bit to get there.
    Hope you all had a wonderful day,

  • It's human nature to defend a person or thing that you think is being unfairly criticised. I broke my own rule by getting involved in a thread like this.

    Well sure, though I think in this case any feedback was seemingly honest and constructive yet still greeted with defensiveness. It’s also why I chime in to these threads here and there because while I’m accused of “corksniffing”, my responses are usually towards “corksniffing” of users putting down other pieces of gear or questioning others experiences that may not be flattering to the KPA. Because it’s a Kemper forum people can start living in an echo chamber and it starts to become tribalist, hence why I’ve become vocal in certain threads.

    So while I come across as negative at times, you can understand why my seeing users here consistently either talk as though other competing technologies are trash or somehow lesser than the KPA makes me feel like I should chime in and bring about a more balanced discussion, especially when I feel such presumptions aren’t true. Given, I’m not perfect and the blunt tone can hit some the wrong way, not to mention at times encountering the same dismissiveness which I just respond to with the same passive-aggressivene tone. I own that. That being said, I notice the microscope gets put on me while a couple users I can think of mainly reply with negative, passive aggressive comments towards those who critique the KPA, yet I see no complaint for their attitude. Encounter that enough times and you start to trigger blunt sass a tad quicker.

  • OK, thanks Elvis… Unfortunately I find the sweet spot to be around -15 to -18 DB… It gets worse, not better, louder than that…
    And this is not at all quiet volume, it’s right around 100 DB in the room. If I go much quieter than that it also sounds worse… This level is where I find 80 percent closeness to a real tube amplifier thru 4x12 cabs…
    I don’t know how you can enjoy or even stand playing at -6 DB… I tried that for about 45 seconds… ;(:wacko: !!!

    did you adjust any EQ or other volumes when cranked?

  • I have tried studio EQ post amplifier stack, I have tried keeping the bass down as it’s way too loose in the bottom... It’s very loose and floppy, not at all tight like a tube amplifier.
    I am using Guido’s merged Bogner Profiles, Big hairy profiles Bogner fish direct profiles and Berts Friedman Merged profiles… These are all incredible profile packs for live use, they sounded absolutely stunning through PA… I am just struggling with them through 4×12 cabinet,

  • Horspip,Just checking to make sure I have my profiler set up properly...
    If you could clarify what you mean, it would be of great help! Thank you so much, :thumbup:

    Sorry, @SQUAREHEAD, I apologise for abandoning the thread, but I lose interest a little when the discussion turns into an argument.
    I have tremendous success with my KPA, mostly in the live environment, both with real cabs and without, so I'm always surprised to hear new users saying they can't get it to sound right.
    However, I realised that you and the OP are both using powered Kempers and mine is an unpowered one, so I'm probably not the best person to offer help.
    I hope you both get it sorted.

  • My apologies too, Horspip.
    If I had any part in turning this thread into an argument, this was not my intent! Thank you for your response, hope you are having a fantastic Christmas holidays,

    Sorry, @SQUAREHEAD, I apologise for abandoning the thread, but I lose interest a little when the discussion turns into an argument.I have tremendous success with my KPA, mostly in the live environment, both with real cabs and without, so I'm always surprised to hear new users saying they can't get it to sound right.
    However, I realised that you and the OP are both using powered Kempers and mine is an unpowered one, so I'm probably not the best person to offer help.
    I hope you both get it sorted.