[Mattfig] code BF2018 gets 60% off Happy Thanksgiving!

  • So this pack is high gain and for rock and high gain leads??
    any blues or other styles captured?
    Help me out here please :)


    G'day Ash. Will put the profiles through their paces when I get a chance - should be later tonight your time. Just looking at the gain levels there are quite a few low gain profiles - so I think this set will be like the BE set which covered the lower gain levels really well. I can't think of another AC set with such a variety of cabs.

    Antipodes is correct, there are cleans, mid gains, high gain, and really high gain....Through 6 Vox 2x12 cabs each with different speakers!

  • I've spent some time with the Acey set and it is a rock monster - classic rock and blues should be at home here. The sort of classic Vox sound where you are slashing chords (eg in the chorus of I think I'm Turning Japanese) or playing broken chords (eg Sunday Bloody Sunday) on the first 3 strings on the top boost channel works great on this set.

    My LP sounded great across the gain range playing rock riffs and lines and single coils (tele, strat and P90) all worked really well. This amp never seems harsh or ice-picky - you can chug on the sort of sounds you hear on The Midnight Rambler live and there is plenty of fullness in the bottom. I found the diversity of cabs really useful - I like Alnicos and GBs on a Vox but the CL80, Creambacks, Lynchbacks and V30s all had things to offer with rhythm and lead tones.

    If you like the BE set from Mattfig you will like this too. I think. One difference is that while there were 6 completely clean presets from the BE clean channel on the BE set, the Acey set has 2 completely clean (gain 0) and 2 very low gain (gain = 1.3, 1.8) and 1 low gain (gain = 2.7) profiles BUT they are all DIs. The full studio profiles start at gain = 3.3 and go up in steps to gain = 6.6.

    TAF has some DI clean vox profiles too and they sound pretty good as they are - even without a cab - so this approach is not unprecedented but I would quite like some super clean ones with all the cabs if there are going to be any addons. (I seem to always be on here asking profilers for more sparkling clean profiles - maybe I need therapy :-))

    I tried locking those clean/low gain DIs on the KPA and switching around various cabs on them from this set and from others (Top Jimi/ TAF etc) and they worked really well. Anyone playing live through guitar cabs or with a collection of other cabs (IRs or cabs from other merged or studio profiles) is going to really love these DIs. Most recent sets of the AC amps have had no DIs at all.

    BTW I had a quick run through the Bandmaster set too and for reggae guys (that's right, I'm lookin' at YOU, Ash) should be pretty happy with those. This set has all the same 2x12 cabs from the Vox set and they are all at a gain level of 2.4 which seems pretty much the sweet spot.. With a tele or P90s these cleaned up nicely with the guitar volume pot backed off a tad and you could control the breakup with pick dynamics - just like a real amp. The creambacks sound great on this amp BTW.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes (December 14, 2017 at 1:14 PM).

  • Hey Matt, I made it through the pack yesterday and I'm speechless. The pack is a game changer in the saturated market of AC30 profiles, I have many but none has pleased me that way. The pack is a must have.

    The AC30 tone is immediately recognizable. Top boost channel profiles rule, normal channels are darker.

    The whole EQ spectrum is clear, no frequencies are missing or spilling over others. My favorite ones are top boost with alnico cab. The low gains are classic rock heaven while the higher gain ones will do any rock job perfectly. On the highest gains ones I heard Brian May in my speaker, I even doubted it was me playing.

    Congratulations for what you are accomplishing, Matt. You are bringing the kemper to performance summits.

    These AC profiles are in the hall of fame

  • Hey Matt, I made it through the pack yesterday and I'm speechless. The pack is a game changer in the saturated market of AC30 profiles, I have many but none has pleased me that way. The pack is a must have.

    The AC30 tone is immediately recognizable. Top boost channel profiles rule, normal channels are darker.

    The whole EQ spectrum is clear, no frequencies are missing or spilling over others. My favorite ones are top boost with alnico cab. The low gains are classic rock heaven while the higher gain ones will do any rock job perfectly. On the highest gains ones I heard Brian May in my speaker, I even doubted it was me playing.

    Congratulations for what you are accomplishing, Matt. You are bringing the kemper to performance summits.

    These AC profiles are in the hall of fame

    Wow. Now I'm speechless....Thanks so much Pamplemousse! It makes me so happy to know people are out there rocking these profiles!

  • Thx to Matt for letting me try this beast

    superb amp so far , much love for these as they have the typical vox jangle and LOTS of crunch options , having these cabs is a great idea , very interesting for recording since you can double track with two different colors of speakers. Most profiles are 4 and up on the gain range, so it's a gainy collection of tones. I had some fun with all these options especially Alnico and Lynchbacks .

    Range of gain is very wide and surprisingly high for an AC30 , Brian May 80's tone is right there, as well as Pete Townsend's tone, very good for classic rock.

    I'm missing some very clean profiles and funky tones , as I had to lower the gain of the lowest gainy profile of this batch to get the chimery intro tone, but no big deal, it's there under the gain pot :)

    The DI profiles are a nice addition , I've to test with some bright cabs.

    here is my collection of clips, no EQing or mastering, it's raw. Guitar is a semi hollow on P90.

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  • Awesome collection of clips....Thanks much!

    I think the most surprising thing about this Vox set is how powerful the amp can sound. It has its own texture but power-wise it could go toe to toe with any Marshall - it can really rageI

    I thought the same thing. I put a Treble Booster on it and it was next level stuff.....Very cool gain too....Thanks for commenting!

  • A brief audition with a Strat, and sure the AC pack is great. Versatile and quite gainy. I expected a lot of cleans and less high gain rigs, but there's no need to complain! Good crunch too. Some SRV tone is possible too, besides the obvious Brian May territory. Got to try with P90s and humbuckers. With the different cabs you can make up for the EQ disparities in the choice of pups. I have also tried a few Bandmaster rigs, and one of them was great for SC rhythm.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • A brief audition with a Strat, and sure the AC pack is great. Versatile and quite gainy. I expected a lot of cleans and less high gain rigs, but there's no need to complain! Good crunch too. Some SRV tone is possible too, besides the obvious Brian May territory. Got to try with P90s and humbuckers. With the different cabs you can make up for the EQ disparities in the choice of pups. I have also tried a few Bandmaster rigs, and one of them was great for SC rhythm.

    Thanks for your purchase CJ! And also thanks for taking the time to write this up....I thought the Acey30 is best with P90s, so hopefully you're in for a real treat!

    Thanks again!

  • I agree with everything said by pamplemousse.

    I tried a handful of other AC30 profiles, but never used them regularly. These will be used often.

    Over the past few months I've considered going back to an actual amp setup. Mattfig's profiles are the reason my Kemper remains, period.

  • I agree with everything said by pamplemousse.

    I tried a handful of other AC30 profiles, but never used them regularly. These will be used often.

    Over the past few months I've considered going back to an actual amp setup. Mattfig's profiles are the reason my Kemper remains, period.


    Thank you.

    May I use that as a quote in an advertisement? :)

    Sincere thanks for not only digging my profiles and posting about them, but for taking a chance on a profile maker with a simple site and zero advertising (up until next month...lol) and buying my stuff....I am eternally grateful to the loyal few who are getting what I'm doing...I hope there will be more!!!

  • Acey 30 is an AC30 amp and cab....

    Happy to answer any questions you may have about specific profiles.....

    The last several I have done have been "real" amps....JJ-Watt is a Hi-Watt Clone built in 2017, the 1967 Bandmaster is an actual '67 Fender....And so on.....I will make more detailed notes on the site this evening as to what is modular and what is not....Thanks!

  • May I use that as a quote in an advertisement? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png]

    Please use it in any way you see fit. It's a fact.

    I was very close to grabbing the new Dr.Z EMS that gets you JTM-JCM Marshall tones. Also, a Metroplex became available. It looked like the end of the Kemper era.

    The question you have to ask is...were they better? The answer is yes to everything but the Mattfig profiles IMO. The JCM and 2203 profiles are voiced perfectly for my purposes. Used 100% of the time the machine is powered-on.

  • These profiles are very good because they have a fantastic picking response and dynamics,
    they have very clear highs without being harsh, paired with a good midrange and a bass that is not flubby.
    First class and highly recommended !!!

    What are your next projects ? and where can I get the fucking marshall profiles :)

  • These profiles are very good because they have a fantastic picking response and dynamics,
    they have very clear highs without being harsh, paired with a good midrange and a bass that is not flubby.
    First class and highly recommended !!!

    What are your next projects ? and where can I get the fucking marshall profiles :)

    Thanks much Uwe!!!

    I am redoing the JMP profiles; my first run was hopeful but just didn't cut it....

    Also adding another great Marshall amp this evening too....Not to mention very soon another special Friedman package....Yes indeed....The SS-100! Stay tuned to http://www.mattfig.com and thank you very much!

    Oh yeah, edited to add....Look what I found today..... http://bestkemper.com

    My site is starting to get into the mainstream thanks to awesome people like yourselves! Thank you!

  • Yeah we all got a taste of your profiling skills on the BE pack Brah
    nothing at 12 noon on that SOB :rolleyes::D ...its killer

    Okay F it....pulling the trigger on this WHY?
    GREAT REVIEWERS and Guitarist in this COMMUNITY.
    Matt they all deserve a beer.

    Holiday message :D
    Thanks to all (god dam it)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Thanks fellas. And Ash, I agree, you all deserve a beer. I wish we all lived near one another for a day so we could all have a jam....This is a great community to say the least.

    You guys have been so cool and supportive. It means a lot to me, sincere thanks!

    Here's a new JJ-Watt clip too....

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