Powerack + Cab issues

  • Hey guys, ive owned my kemper for close than 2 months now, and in the studio the thing is an engineering marvel. Live... I could not be more frustrated...
    Im sure this topic has been discussed several times, and ive searched and searched not finding anything conclusive. I am currently using it with a Mesa Boogie
    OS 4x12 with v30s. Let me tell you ive tried using premium profiles, free ones. The ones that come with the kemper. So far they all sound loose, muddy, flubby.
    I set monitor cab off, pure cabinet to 0. Messed with clarity, and definition. messed with the output eq. When I get close to what an amp is supposed to sound like, its loud and feedbacky.
    I had to add 2 gates, one in the stomp section, and using the default, and once using that thing sounds worse than a line 6 spider amp. Have added a studio EQ in the X section to see if that gives it some character, however all that does
    is add more solid state feedback.

    Ive read that you have to use DI profiles with a cab, but at that point I cant go direct into the PA to eliminate micing my cab. I have to be doing something wrong, as everyone and their mom loves these amps, hobbyist and professionals alike.
    I mainly play Rock and Metal, and own several real amps ( Peavey, ENGL, Krank, EVH, etc), so Id like to think i know what im after tone wise.

    Thanks in advanced.


  • Try to experiment with some DI profiles while not playing live, just to see where that gets you. Merged profiles for your situation may be what you want eventually.
    You can use a cab from a different profile on DI profiles too.

    Keep in mind that a fender twin will likely have been dialed in for a different cab than your Mesa Boogie OS, so that's something to keep in mind too - although I'm sure you're not playing fender twin profiles (this was just an exaggerated example).

  • I will try DI profiles first. Merged profiles I have not heard much of. thanks for your replies guys. I know this device is very complicated thats why I havent lost hope just yet.

  • I havent had a chance to go into rehearsal yet. Im looking into these FRFR speakers. If I acquire one, can I use studio profiles without any issues? im assuming it would be just like plugging in to a PA, and you get the nice sound you get when you plug in to FOH or PA, or to your computer.

    Going back to Direct profiles, and regular cabs live. How can I get the best of both worlds with a regular cab? as in getting the amp flat through a regular cab, and getting the cab and mic sim to the PA?


    Edited once, last by jesgtr (December 1, 2017 at 12:08 AM).

  • on a side note, you could replace your speakers in your cab with frfr speakers and then just use studio profiles however, unless you also install high frequency drivers, (horns), the high end may be cut significantly. That may or may not be a bad thing. I ran my kemper into the back of the power section of a Roland JC 120 with the cab and mic left on and it sounded great! They had a high respose too so, not too bad of a high freq cut even though they didn't have high freq horn drivers.
    I also used a gallien kreuger 2x12 with neodymium speakers in it, also sounded pretty good