Hello From Manchester UK...

  • Hello new member..to the forum... love the new Kemper amp and possibilities are looking awesome...

    I'm thinking of doing a 30 day return to Thomann...anyone had experience of dealing with returns to them..

    I have an email saying that i would have to pay postage?

    Chris ...

  • Hi Steve...err Chris! ;)

    Thomann is absolutely unproblematic with returns. I've returned many things to them.
    Usually, they send you these free-of-charge-postage-return stamps. But I guess since you're in the UK, that is not the case?!?

    So, you didn't get along with the KPA?

  • Hello new member..to the forum... love the new Kemper amp and possibilities are looking awesome...

    I'm thinking of doing a 30 day return to Thomann...anyone had experience of dealing with returns to them..

    I have an email saying that i would have to pay postage?

    Chris ...

    Do you want to order it under 30days return policy or do you want to return the one you have? ?(
    If is the first one, yes , you'll have to pay return postage from UK, from Germany is paid for.
    BTW: Welcome! ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi thanks for the welcome...no i'm looking to purchase and see if its for me...I love all the clips and youtube stuff. But if its not right i want to be able to send it back and get my money back without any hassle and i have read a lot of reports about Thomann on the net and dont want to get stung.. chris ...er ...i mean steve...

  • Hi there fellow Manc. I cannot comment on Thomann's returns policy, but all I can say is that I've only spent a short time with my KPA (that I got from Thomann) and the KPA is a keeper. I've returned my Axe Fx II and G66 were excellent - it went back post paid by them.

    If I wasn't up to my eyeballs with work and not going to be in Manc for a few weeks I'd offer to let you come round and play. If you are still looking into a KPA at the end of March and have not bought one, you are welcome to come round one evening or weekend.

    Just a guitar 'hack'.