New ‘official’ Benson amps pack ...will be interesting to see how this compares to the rather lovely Tone Junkies pack ...few more amps and a few dollars more ..might be worth a punt ..$35

Official Benson Amps pack
Are you going to post some sound samples ?
and how many profiles - studio , merged, di are in the pack ?
By official do you mean that like DR Z the actual amp manufacturer has jumped on board?
If so...its champagne time!All amp manufacturers should get on board
come in and join the kemper family its the futureAsh
I do indeed mean ala Dr Z Ash it’s been done by Mr Benson (or at least it is on his website and advertised as ‘official’ by him ...)
I have purchased it but won’t get a chance to try it until tomorrow ... -
Well done, to show my support
SOLD..will pick it up tomorrow.Any amp manufacturer that does this has my support INSTANTLY
GOOD Job brother!!sincerely
Ash -
Just to point out I have NOTHING to do with benson I just happened to catch a post on Facebook ..
Then this prob belongs in third party Rigs
Thanks for posting !
[Blocked Image:]Ash
Aaah and indeed oops Mods please move ...Thanks and apologies
Damn, i am going to go broke over these 'official' releases. (hopefully!)
There are 15 names listed on that page - is that a complete list of 15 profiles?
I must say that it doesn't surprise me that profile sets stimulate amp sales - particularly for rare/boutique amps. Many players, who otherwise would never get close to the amps, getting a taste for these amps via the KPA is surely going to generate interest in owning the real deal.
The question is how good the profiles are. They should be good since the amp maker would like to promote the real amps. The Dr Zs are good, for instance. And yet, some guy owning the amps and with profiling experience may do a better job.
I'm curious too. Not only about the most important thing; how good are they. millstudios: do you like them. But also about the number of profiles and the settings.
The question is how good the profiles are. They should be good since the amp maker would like to promote the real amps. The Dr Zs are good, for instance. And yet, some guy owning the amps and with profiling experience may do a better job.
My impression is - they are good.
I bought them even though I swore to myself that I'd stop hoarding profiles.
I don't want to provoke an ethics debate, but I was impressed by the fact that a supplier of an amplifier offers profiles, not someone who might just have borrowed the amplifier. (Similar to Dr. Z, which are also excellent profiles.)In the pack are 5 amplifiers with 4x3 and 1x2 profiles with the low/middle gain. (14 Rigs at all) .
No effects just a bit sharpener incl. boost, delay and reverb after the stack.There are certainly cheaper packs, but for me it was OK for the above-mentioned reason. That was my good deed today
Thanks for giving us the low down, Sharry. So when you say low/mid gain, am I right in thinking the clean/just breaking up sound is well represented?
My impression is - they are good.
I bought them even though I swore to myself that I'd stop hoarding profiles.
I don't want to provoke an ethics debate, but I was impressed by the fact that a supplier of an amplifier offers profiles, not someone who might just have borrowed the amplifier. (Similar to Dr. Z, which are also excellent profiles.)In the pack are 5 amplifiers with 4x3 and 1x2 profiles with the low/middle gain. (14 Rigs at all) .
No effects just a bit sharpener incl. boost, delay and reverb after the stack.There are certainly cheaper packs, but for me it was OK for the above-mentioned reason. That was my good deed today
Exactly why I am going to buy them, even though I made a similar pact with myself to stop hoarding profiles.
I purchased these and they are AWFUL! I understand that Chris Benson hates Kemper and he basically created these bad profiles as a big F/U to the Kemper profiling community. Don't waste your money. Tone Junkies and Brian Carl both sell Benson profiles that sound fantastic.
ncbassplayer That's too bad to hear. Telling that they didn't post clips. I absolutely hated the Dr. Z official pack, and haven't been blown away by what I've heard of the Victory stuff.
I agree that getting manufacturers onboard with their own paid profiles is the most ethical way to deal with all the Kemper can do, and I support that. But come on, manufacturers — at least do it right.
I understand that Chris Benson hates Kemper and he basically created these bad profiles as a big F/U to the Kemper profiling community.
He doesn't like the Kemper, but I know someone who owns one of his amps and spoke to him on this. He did it because a certain commercial profiler did a pack on his amps, which pissed him off. He didn't take it very seriously and only did so as a way to make what little money others may be making off his name. It wouldn't surprise me if they were poorly done given his attitude about it.
when its really the case that they are done bad and knowing it
i will make him sent my money back
that's a shame for a company
digbob Post screenshots! Let him know there’s a whole forum eagerly awaiting his response to these allegations.