[Tone Junkie] New 65 Lowman amp pack, 36 profiles, demo inside

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    Download now at http://www.tonejunkiestore.com

    The 65 Lowman pack seeks to capture the sound of the iconic amplifier that started it all. We profiled an all original 1965 F****** B****** with NOS RCA tubes. We've given you 36 profiles from clean to edge of break up to full on rock! Pushed with some of the the guitar world's iconic pedals, we have captured the Lowman's signature tones along with some usable stomp box favorites.

  • Interesting HW that how the amp company are trying to sue...cool man still testing the other packs will check out soon


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I just grabbed these, and only had a little bit of time with them, through headphones, before work. I do have to say, however, that both the 65 Lowman and 65 Princess are great! I was kind of worried about buying them, without trying a sample, as I almost never do that. I liked your other packs, and think that your videos do an excellent job of showcasing the sounds available in your packs, though, so I took a chance.

    I play humbuckers about 90% of the time, and have had a lot more trouble finding Fender profiles I like than Marshall profiles I like. Both of these packs sound great with humbuckers. They are very articulate and respond to changes in picking dynamics really well. Between the two packs, I probably only found three profiles that didn't really work for me, and I still think those would work for single coils.

    The variety of tones available is impressive, too. I rarely play anything much heavier than Metallica, from when their hair was still long, but I really think that I could make it through an entire set with either of these profiles, which really surprised me. There are great cleans and edge of breakup, which I expected, but I was impressed by some of the crunch tones available. There are profiles with the gain from 0 to 6.5. There are plenty of profiles for rock in these two packs.

    Sorry for the rambling review, and for posting the same thing as a reply to two different posts, but I'm still half asleep. Great job with both of these packs!

  • The Lowman has a great tone. More complexity and thickness than the Prince but both are good in their way. I would like even more clean and very low gain tones but the clean ones in this set were very good and the crunchier tones are excellent and would cover a lot of classic rock.

    I gather the Beatles had a similar amp to the Lowman in the studio on the Abbey Road sessions and the sort of sounds you hear on Come Together, I Want You, The End etc are all there in this set.

  • The Lowman has a great tone. More complexity and thickness than the Prince but both are good in their way. I would like even more clean and very low gain tones but the clean ones in this set were very good and the crunchier tones are excellent and would cover a lot of classic rock.

    I gather the Beatles had a similar amp to the Lowman in the studio on the Abbey Road sessions and the sort of sounds you hear on Come Together, I Want You, The End etc are all there in this set.

    I can see where people getting these would probably want a few more really clean profiles. Maybe they can add a few more in a future update. I like my cleans to have some hair on them, though, so these work perfectly for me.

  • Thanks for the feedback guys! Glad so many people are digging the new Lowman Pack!

    FYI about the pack, profiles labeled “65 Lowman B_” have the bright switch on. These profiles are especially useful for humbuckers and turning a neck humbucker into something more sparkly and glassy. Lp and 335 player will enjoy the almost strat like tones that bright switch can help give.

    The Bassman amp really jumps up in terms of gain, that’s why things get overdriven fairly quickly. Don’t be afraid to lower the gain on profile One or two click especially if you’re using humbuckers. With singles those profiles stay clean enough to considered clean or slightly pushed but that’s right where the bassman changes character. Hums push it into OD quickly.

    These old bassman circuits are pretty magical, this has turned out to be one of our favorite packs thanks for checking it out!

  • Just on the subject of the magic of these amps: I read a year or so back where some guys in some tube amp afficianados group got hold of one and tried to add some more modern features - to try to make it better and more up to date, I guess.

    The first mod they tried was to take out the AC heater circuit for the tubes and put in a rectified and regulated DC heater circuit. Low noise etc - what's not to like? Well ... Hmmm. Turns out that the richness and "depth" of the amp tones took a nose dive - the magic of the amp kinda died. They analysis they came up with was that the intermodulation distortion between the 60 cycle voltage pulsing through the heater circuit and the audio signal was part of the tone of the amp and losing it was not a good thing.

    Jim Marshall took the bassman circuit and ran with it with results familiar to anyone with a radio.

  • Yup,

    Dual amp pack should drop later this week probably Friday and and a Suhr Bella amp pack shortly after that. There will be some Black Friday deals but FYI they likely start before Friday sort of like a "Pre Black Friday sale" and run thru cyber Monday.

    Dual Amp pack combines a Matchless 30/15+Bassman and a Suhr Bella+Morgan DAG15. Pretty unique stuff since I think both amps are audible and add a little of their own flavor.

    Bella Pack which will be called the Beauty pack expands on the HW Beauty profiles that came out in pack one. This time we have added some in between profiles, bright switch on profiles and used some pedals too. Pedals like the KOT and Original Bluesbreaker were run with the amp clean. When the Bella gets going it takes on a sort of JTM like growl so we also pushed that with a clone at various settings. This Pack is personal favorite of mine