What’s the point of Snapshots?

  • Why don't you read the manual? Everything it's in there :)

    Yes. Thank you. That’s good general advice. I was hoping that someone would reply with how they use this feature. I did read the manual but I didn’t understand the practical use of the feature. I’m sure someone a handy way of using it.

  • I'm not much of a tweaker, but I would assume this might come in handy if I wanted to do a bunch of incremental tweaks quickly on the fly and then come back to compare how they sound afterwards. For instance, pick a rig, tweak the definition -.5 or whatever, snapshot, do it again, snapshot, etc. then +.5, etc. Then, go back and audition and find if any of them suit you. I've only done it once or twice but I think it offers a bit of a faster workflow than saving out separately.

  • I love snapshots myself. Super useful, like browser bookmarks. Say you're auditioning a new library with 100 profiles; weed out the weak by playing a riff on a looper pedal and spend a few seconds on each profile. If it's good, Snapshot it. By the time you get to the end, you can do the same with your Snapshots and weed those 100 profiles down to the oh, three that matter and delete the rest.

    Similarly, I might take a single profile, lock everything but the cab and waltz through my profiles auditioning the same patch with different cabs. Snapshot the good ones, then waltz through those and keep the best.

    Indispensable tool! Compare to saving each tweak of a patch under a different name when all you're trying to do is find the one variant that fits the mix.
