Monitors or cab

  • hi guys need some help. I have around £200-£250 to spend on either speakers or a guitar cabinet (I have the powerhead) my question is would I better off with a 2x12 loaded with vintage 30's or something like JBL lsr305 x2 I would like to try FRFR but feel it's out of my price range for the atomic/matrix everyone keeps talking about. I am currently just playing at home but want the best sound I can get obviously

  • Depends what you want from the cab if you do want to gig live. I switched from guitar cab to FRFR by getting a "regular" unpowered monitor ( I tried a few, using the DXR10 as a benchmark) and bought a 1x12 unpowered wedge for £180.

    The reason I ask what are you using it for, I have mine facing me/band like a regular monitor, so doesn't give out much FOH, I use the PA for that.

    I do sometimes use a guitar cab as well but you definitely get a smoothed out sound so I'd go FRFR if you can. With the powerhead you have loads of options.

    I also have one of these which is also very good...…us-diy-kit.html

  • My opinion is not to buy the JBLs only to use them with Kemper and not music production. You will not have the sonic thump/punch like a guitar cab or frfr speaker. I have the powerhead too and i had an 1x12 guitar cab and the last year i switched to an frfr, Alto TS112 and couldn't be happier. You will need some time of adjustement to get used to frfr's sound as it is different from guitar cab's but when you get there you won't go back.

    So you could try to find a used Alto TS 112 or buy the new version of it, this one --> with the 10" speaker.