We lack "rigs" type offerings

  • Hi everyone,
    the kemper "profiles" market is very active (some may say oversaturated), but i find we are lacking "rigs" type offering. I will explain myself.
    What i call a "profile" is an amplifier centered product. The profile intend to replicate the sound of a known amplifier. This is a dream for lurkers like us who would like to own every existing amp on the market.
    As many of you, i have bought lots and lots of profiles. In the end, i find they sound very similar, how many variations of a crunch tone do you have ? Could you guess which is which if we choose one of you profiles in the Kemper randomly ?
    On the other end, you have products i would call "rigs", which try to recreate the sound of an artist or of a musical style, with a combination of a base amp sound and multiple effects meticulously programmed. With the other modelers where you cannot create profiles, this is the offering that you may buy or share, what they call "presets".
    I find that with the added possibility of the kemper to create "profiles", we are loosing the sharing of plain old "presets". IMHO, this is sad, since the Kemper has a lot of good and powerful effects, which are not so easy to master.
    I have recently bought a rig pack by RIgbusters which recreate the sound of famous songs from the Pink Floyd. I find this pack quite good. We need more of those preset type offerings.
    Thank you

  • Quite a few Profilers offer this as a service - made-to-order Rigs, as it were, vjau.

    It's probably not obvious yet 'cause it's not "front-page-news" on their websites, but there's been some growth in this area this year, and I reckon it'll continue to gain popularity.

    Sorry, no recommendations; haven't gone down that road myself.

  • I've encountered a number of sellers who have themed packs. Top Jimi for example has a Van Halen pack which includes approximate settings for different albums & songs, and also includes effect presets. A few others I've encountered do much the same so far as I can tell, though that's never been a desire of mine to purchase or pursue.

    There are also the producer packs through STL where a producer offers profiles that recreate the sounds from famous bands, records, and songs they've produced. The price tag on those is heinous, however, so I'll probably never even try them outside of the few unimpressive samples they've offered.

    I think the reason you don't see this as much is because most people probably want to find their own sound rather than someone else's (to a degree). Obviously the "rig" concept is great for people in cover bands and such, or those that just want a heavy dose of nostalgia every time they play.

  • As many of you, i have bought lots and lots of profiles. In the end, i find they sound very similar, how many variations of a crunch tone do you have ?

    Well it's not a world difference between different amps. And no matter what you use you will always end up sound like your self. Every amp profiles from the same profiler have some same-ish sound so the advantage is to have the same amp, e.g. a 5150 from different profilers to get variation in sound. If you want custom made profiles from a guitarist/band you like, just hit the mail to a profiler you like. Personally I couldn't care less. Never been into "I want to sound like that band" guy. I just want to sound like me and I want everybody else to try to copy my tone. :thumbup: Nah, just kidding.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Bert your not only a perfect gentleman but the BEST!!, ill have a special thank you for you as always man ;)

    Soon its time to get Funky :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Funk doesn't come from an amp :D

    ironically most of the motown guitar sounds were DI'd humbucker equipped gibsons :D

    regarding amp profiles sounding similar, that's because amps sound similar. A Valve amp is a very basic device, a Marshall JTM45 is exactly the same circuit as a Fender bassman, Jim marshall just used whatever transformers and caps he could in the UK . A plexi is the same amp more or less but with SS rectifier instead of a valve, the trainwreck express is just a variant on that......so you see where I'm coming from here. The holy grail DImble ODS is basically a blackface fender with an extra gain stage for the OD, so again , at the root of it it's a classic fender blackface amp.

    Most people still use classic speaker types and combinations so again that's only a limited palate.

    In some ways really listening to your favourite guitarist and working out what gives them the sound is a good exercise and a time consuming one, being given 'their osund' on a plate is instantly rewarding but personally don't think it serves yo well as a musician in the long run.

    To be honest I think that's the biggest downside to a Kemper...too much immediate choice....

    As a musician the MOST important thing you can ever do is find YOUR own voice, that can take a long time, some people never find it. But if there's anything I've noticed about the famous people I work with, they've all got their own voice and are 100% authentic in what they do.

    Sorry if I've veered OT here, just sat having morning coffee and sharing my thoughts.



  • Well Bert ALWAYS delivers and i have my own voice with his rigs ;)
    BTW slow release Guarana is better for you than coffee and wont exhaust your adrenals :whistling::)

    Try Bert rigs...check his thread
    all is well my friend

    you want Funk??
    You cant handle the Funk :rolleyes:
    try Guthrie Govan's 32nd Note Strumming (youtube)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited once, last by ashtweth (November 4, 2017 at 12:40 PM).