Has anyone worked out a great Drive + Octave + Autowah funky solo sound yet? (Example given)

  • I've been looking at getting a Kemper for a while now, and went into the store to finally try one for myself today. I was pretty impressed for the most part.

    One sound that I struggled to get out of the amp was a drive/octave/autowah solo sound. I put all the relevant effects on and experimented with some settings and signal chain order, but I couldn't quite get it. The wah was either not prominent enough, or the sound was really 'messy' (hard to describe it more than that!)

    Here is an example of the tone I was going for (@28 minute mark) -

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    Here is an example of the tone I was able to get with a too subtle wah (not my video)-

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    Can anyone come up with a great setting?

    Super props if you can make a quick recording or video of the result! Thanks :)

  • If you can try it again at the store:

    If the Wah seems too weak sounding, use an amp sound similar to the one he is using, not one with more gain.

    Try the drive first, pitch effect second, and Wah third. That would give the Wah plenty of input harmonics. Another option for maximum Wah depth is to place the Wah AFTER the amp, in the X Slot.

    And, if you haven't yet, try using the Vowel Wah when working on that sound. it allows you to specify the range of vowel sweep that will occur.

    Although this isn't the type of sound you are going for, this clip is an example of how the X Slot can be used to get a much less subtle touch Wah effect.

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