External Stomp reverb and Kemper

  • So, I'm using a Strymon Flint in front of my old twin reverb amp (my old twin Reverb tank can be super noisy at times). Sounds glorious of course. Even with an overdrive pedal in the chain (Guitar -> Strymon Flint -> Prince Of Tones OD pedal -> Twin Reverb amp).

    Now, if I use the Strymon in front of the Kemper, everything sounds great with clean sounds, but sounds like crap with an overdriven amp profile or hi-gain amp (Marshall type).

    I haven't tried to put the strymon pedal in the loop, too lazy to unplug and re-cable the whole thing.

    Any thoughts?

  • Hi LK_Bill my thoughts are,get a piece of paper to stick on the wall and write on it 'My results are my true intentions' and miraculously the energy will suddenly appear to not be lazy and re-cable your pedals..Try it I guarantee it will work.

  • The reason I had the Strymon before is because of my home studio setup...

    Guitar -> Strymon Flint -> ABY -> Out A to Twin Reverb and Out B to Kemper.

    If I put the Strymon after the Kemper (or in the loop) I lose it on the Twin Reverb.

  • I finally got some time to test the Flint in the Kemper loop. You guys were right, this sounds way better, even with Crunch/Lead profiles (tested with some Mbritt Marshall and Dumble RFord).
    Two things I noticed:
    - I hear some noise when the loop mono is engaged on the Kemper (probably user error).
    - When I compare the Flint in front of my real Twin Reverb and the Flint in the loop of my profiled Twin + RCF 12 speaker, I don't get the same quality in the reverb. Maybe it has to do with the inherent difference in the physical cabinet shape (open back Twin vs closed RCF).