[RockProfiles] Easter discount 30%off!

  • Hello, a mistake during the upload process messed up the codes for the different products, now everything is fixed and all should have received a new email with the right link to download.

    Sorry everyone for the inconvenience.
    As always, if you have any problem please write to: info@rockprofiles.com


    The RockProfiles Team

    Thanks for the super fast service! Problem resolved long before I can even get home to download the profiles. Can't beat that (well, other than me being home to use the profiles, rather than at work then at the doctor, heh).

  • Hey @patrick2099 I'm glad you got it in time!!
    Unfortunately as you and Ash pointed out, the automatic email from Gumroad with the link didn't get through this time.
    Still investigating why, in a few hours I will personally check every single buyer's email and send the update one by one, just to make sure. So If you're one of them, hang tough, update coming ASAP.

    Thanks everyone

    The RockProfiles Team

  • Hey guys,
    all customers of "The Mars Collection" and "The Mars Super" should have received an email from wetransfer with the update.
    We'll further investigate on why the update didn't get through to all customers in the first time.
    If you did receive it by Gumaroad as supposed, sorry for the double post.
    Anyway, if you wanna drop a line saying you did or did not received from Gumroad in the past few days, would be highly appreciated, thanks!

    The RockProfiles Team

  • Hey guys,
    all customers of "The Mars Collection" and "The Mars Super" should have received an email from wetransfer with the update.
    We'll further investigate on why the update didn't get through to all customers in the first time.
    If you did receive it by Gumaroad as supposed, sorry for the double post.
    Anyway, if you wanna drop a line saying you did or did not received from Gumroad in the past few days, would be highly appreciated, thanks!

    The RockProfiles Team

    I just checked, and I didn't see anything from Gumroad, but I think I may see what the issue was. Is the email you are referring to as Gumroad the email from info@rockprofiles.com? If so, then I did receive the email from info@rockprofiles.com, with the correct profiles, yesterday at 1:09 PM EST. I had searched for "from: gumroad" and didn't see anything.

    For some reason with MSN email, your emails from info@pristudio.com were going into my Focused folder, while the emails from info@rockprofiles.com were going into an Other folder, which I didn't even know was there. I typically use Gmail, but have had some issues with attachments being blocked, so I generally use MSN for Kemper profiles.

    Maybe some others are having a similar issue, where mails were being routed into different folders, other than Inbox or Junk.

  • @patrick2099 thanks a lot for checking the emails!

    I'll try to deal and understand the different emails rules and see where I can get a good and reliable solution...


    Thanks, Roberto, but that was my problem of knowing how my email worked and not on anything you did or didn't do. Haha! You got the original issue corrected within a few hours, and that's what's important to me. I appreciate the great service and communication.

  • As we're constantly improving our current line of products ( while working on new stuff ;) ) today we're pleased to announce the free update of the Steave - PCake to version 3.0.
    Some new profiles added and all have been revised with new eq tweaking and the new series "M" of presets for more forward mids.

    Hope you're gonne enjoy the update
    Have Fun!

    The RockProfiles Team

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    Edited once, last by PriStudio (December 15, 2017 at 6:25 PM).

  • Happy New Year everyone!

    We're continuing our update of the current line of products, this time is the Legacy - Carved that has been revised to version 3.0!

    New presets and the usual tweaking of the profiles, please enjoy this free update!

    Rock On!

    The RockProfiles Team

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  • Haha i was waiting for Frank to come in...Frank Vai sorry Frank knows this amp saved me a PM to let him know
    Franks Chops scare me....almost as much as his killer ear for tone :P:D
    Okay ill bite on this soon :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Haha i was waiting for Frank to come in...Frank Vai sorry Frank knows this amp saved me a PM to let him know
    Franks Chops scare me....almost as much as his killer ear for tone :P:D
    Okay ill bite on this soon :)


    He he, thx Ash. Today i will have a deep look into the update pack. I think it's good as the first pack.

  • Hi @ashtweth & @Eltzejupp!

    I'm really curious to hear from you about this update!

    Rock On!


    The RockProfiles Team

    This sound takes 2 minutes to get with your update.

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    For my taste the higher gainy profiles have too many mids, but it couldt depent on my old Jem 77. It's the FP from 1989 with the paf-pickups. I think a Jem with evolution pu's is a little brighter.

    All profiles have enough power and a good tone right out of the box. I scooped the mid's a little.

    Sorry for crappy playing, some wrong notes in the demo, but it's only a quick shot to demonstrate what'spossible with this great profiles from an awesome amp.

    The cleans are also fantastic !!

  • Hello!
    Today we're updating our "Dirty - Fried" profiles of the Friedman's Dirty Shirley to version 3.0.
    As usual with the 3.0 updates, some new profiles, some eq tweaking and the new "M" series of profiles with more pronounced mids.

    As always free for all existing customers, enjoy!

    The RockProfiles Team

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